
Coos County Oregon

Example Sanborn Fire Insurance Map


© 2005 Robyn Greenlund

The Coos County Home Historian

County Records: Assessments

Several of the items in an Assessor's report contain information that is useful in finding your home’s history. These include the:

Owner name: The current owner’s name and address is listed. If this is your own home, this will confirm that you have found the correct property record.

Map #: This is the Township (29S), Section (12W) and Range (8DD) used to locate the property on a surveyors map. It also includes the parcel number (6600 0).

Value Area: This is the value of the property on a six point scale (1 is the lowest and 6 is the most elaborate). This information is useful as it gives a rating as to the condition of the house as it compares to others in the same general area. The actual real market value (RVM) as determined by the county assessor is also listed on the report.

Block and Lot numbers: Presently, the Assessor’s records do not include this information. You will need to visit the survey office or review the deed for the property to discover this information.

Situs: The term situs is Latin meaning “location”. It is the actual location of the house.

You may go directly to the Coos County Assessor's Search to search for your house. You can also find the assessors maps online here.

You may also want to see if you can obtain a copy of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company map for your town. For those folks in Coos county, the Coos County Library now offers these Sanborn maps online and in the branch libraries using their Proquest subscription service. More information on the Sanborn Insurance Maps can can be found here as well. 

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Last updated November 2006