1904 Bandon Recorder     Bandon, Or.  Chronological, with keywords
[+  means copy is vebatim]   [parts enclosed by brackets are summaries, or
editor's questions, not actual wording]

MAR 17 - DEC 15, 1904 BR              1890BR   |   1905 BR  to newspaper menu

BR 1 

Locale?   Lorenz store  BR 1 Thursday March 17, 1904
[N. Lorenz store mentioned; doesn't say it in Coq.  And it is Bandon paper.
was it a Bandon store?  Later issue said N. Lorenz Coq City;  but here and in
several other issues doesn't state location.]

entertain  BR 1  Mar 17, 1904
Remember the theatrical entertainment Saturday evening March 20th. +

entertain drama    BR 1  Mar 17, 1904 
You will miss the best entertainment of the season unless you see the play,
"Under the Laurels." Admission 35 cents; reserve seats, 50 cents.   +

novelty-Woolen mill  misc-inducement      BR 1  Mar 17, 1904
     There should be another effort made to secure the proposed Woolen Mill. 
Only twenty shares of 400 each are lacking to secure the mill.
    Bandon can not afford to let it go for want of an effort. It means the
employment of 50 or more persons and adds to the payroll and population of
the town. The incentive to business is worth looking after.  +

Climate  BR 1  Mar 17, 1904
Stormy weather which prevailed since the 2nd of February cleared Monday
followed by heavy frost. Tuesday ushered in sunshine and old fashioned
northwest wind.

Srh  BR 1 Mar 17, 1904   Stmr Elizabeth

Baseball; pursuits.  BR 1  Mar 17, 1904 
Marshfield has some baseball enthusiasm left and is looking toward the
organization of a league. The baseball spirit does not seem to rise very rapidly
here yet and it remains to be seen what will happen but the outlook is not
bright for a team here this year.  +

health  BR 1 Mar 17, 1904 
[A little sermon on what to eat and when to eat it.]  

misc   BR 1  Mar 17, 1904    [tells origin of cotton thread. 1803. Why it used
in place of linen.]

misc  BR 1  Mar 17, 1904      [tells abt] burning the Yule Log.  Where custom
got started, etc.  [taken fm Detroit Free Press   ]

health  BR 1 Mar 17, 1904  proper treatment for pneumonia.       


County court   BR 1  April 14, 1904   E. M. Gallier listed as Deputy Sheriff.

Tot-NB   Fish cannery  fruit cannery  BR 1  April 14, 1904
North Bend is to have the largest cannery on the coast outside the Columbia
River.  Beside salmon, crabs, sardines, clams, fruit to be canned there.

Other enterprise name  Ahr   misc-word     BR 1  April 14, 1904
Robert Ahr the tin tinkerman in town again.

Photo  BR 1  Apr 14, 1904     Hunt the photographer.

RR surveyors  RR hopes  BR 1 Apr 14, 1904
The railroad surveyors have reached this locality with the preliminary survey.
There are twenty five of them and they are doing considerable work. +  [M's
note: what were they doing in Bandon? It doesn't say anything such as
Coquille items, etc. ]  [M. 2004; may be the perennial south to SF rr dreams.]  

World's Fair.  Agric Plants.  Govt.  BR 1 Apr 14, 1904
There large map at World's Fair [location?] everyone of the 5000 different
collections of plants comprising the 6 acre map of the US is in growing crops
at the World's Fair is plainly labeled. [M: as I typed it.] In the great map, first
of kind ever made, 819 distinct species plant life and each plainly outlined and
labeled. Includes not only a specimen of every plant grown in US but the plots
bordering the map are many plants of all lands. Display by US Govt, made by
Bureau of Plant Industry. Exhibit made at cost $l0,000.  not quote


Srh   BR 2  Apr 14, 1904
Elizabeth stmr appointments and improvements.  Master/agent.   /     Schnr
Berwick coming.  Just been remodeled.  [article on.]  [cp]

Other mining  BR 2  Apr 14, 1904
{brief headline abt] Allen Copper mine near Galice Creek on Rogue River
sold for $750,000.

Novelty-woolen  Tot-Bandon   BR 2  Apr 14, 1904
Gardiner Gazette.  T. W. Clark, superintendent of the woolen mills at North
Bend, passed through Gardiner on his way to Portland today.  +

Misc  BR 2  Apr 14, 1904 
[article on women and fashion.  Tells what wearing.]

School  BR 2  Apr 14, 1904 
The desired qualilfications for the local professor set forth by man in Chicago.

Health  BR 2 Apr 14, 1904 
Whipping was once prescribed as cure for insanity and fits.


BR3    4/14/1904

Misc cosmic   BR 3  Apr 14, 1904
Article about the moon: appearance proves the moon lacks air and water. [Part
of a column; fairly lengthy article.]

Transport  First auto in Coos.  Dr. Culin.  BR 3  Apr 14, l904.
[Head:] Coquille has the first automobile in Coos county.  Our enterprising
physician, Dr. Walter Culin received an automobile by the steamer Elizabeth,
the machine arriving here yesterday by the Dispatch. This is the first horseless
carriage to be brought in to Coos County, and created no little excitement on
Front street while it was being set up and started. The Doctor having a great
deal of experience with gasoline engines, had no trouble in getting the
machine to go, which seems to behave very well. By the time the roads are
good the doctor will have his vehicle in good shape and will be able to
respond to calls on short notice. It is of the Orient buckboard style and is
doubtless adapted to the use. Being supplied with a 4-horse engine it will
develope [in print] as high a speed as is safe on our roads. -- Coast Mail. +

River Srh  BR 3  Apr 14, 1904
[Ad, Steamer Dispatch. Thomas White, master. Tells when leaves, arr. etc.]


BR 3 June 9, 1904

war BR 3 June 9, 1904  The Japapese have atttacked Port Arther.  Continued
Japanese victories have caused the Russians to become gloomy. 

Tot-Bandon  4th July   BR 3 June 9, 1904
[ad:] Look out for July 4 at Bandon.  Watch for what comes after.  

 Tot-Bandon  moving pictures  entertain. Misc-word BR 3  June 9, 1904
   [ad:] Coming! Steel & Freeland celebrated moving pictures.  Illustrated
concert. At the Opera House. Friday, June 10th, 1904.  Reserved seats -- at
Drug Store.  It is not the "cheap John" show. Double dissolving apparatus
with 2000 candle power Ox-Hy light, clean high class entertainment.   +

utility    BR 3  June 9, 1904 Bandon Light and Water Co waterworks

Novelty  broom handle  BR 3 June 9, 1904
The Broom Handle mill shut down this week and will remain idle for a couple
of weeks, perhaps until after July 4th. The company is short on squares, and
has a large surplus of handles on hand which they wish to dispose of before
resuming work.

Plants  health  BR 3 June 9, 1904
Article tt says plants in bedrooms harmless daytime, vicious night. ...When
sunlight stimulates their nutrition plants do no harm for they give off oxygen
but at night they should all be removed, say from hospital wards because they
exhale the carbonic acid which they have gathered from the soil and air and
thus give off by a process similar to respiration and is injurious.   not quote;
[article is long.]

Misc  BR 3 June 9, 1904.  [Article on fashions.]

health   BR 3 June 9, 1904.      [Article on what microbes are.]

Conditions  Tot-Bandon-pride   BR 3  June 9, 1904
We have noticed no perceptible change in business since the departure of the
Woolen Mill, but we are soon to have a new mill. ...In the new Woolen mill
all of the stock except a very few thousand dollars was subscribed by local
people, no single one taking more than $2000 and the total amount was
$40,000. That's pegging some but we Bandonians are there with the goods.

Baseball; pursuits.  BR 3 June 9, 1904  
[game of baseball] Bandon ball grounds between the Beaver Hill and Riverton
teams in which the score stood 16 to 19 in favor of the Riverton nine but it
was claimed by some tallies that had been made by the Beaver Hill boys had
not been tallied and that the game was about an even thing.  [Had an excursion
which brought teams down.]    [cp]   

BR 4  July 7, 1904

School   BR 4  July 7, 1904  report on the new school.
Tot-Bandon  BR 4 July 7, 1904 
[ad:] Waltham Railroad watches for sale by A. Rice, Bandon.

Novelty-wood    BR 4 July 14, 1904
One of the engines in operation at the Broom Handle Factory has given out
and is being replaced by one from the Circle City mill.

Novelty-woolen   BR 4 July 14, 1904 
Bandon Woolen Mill proposition; [listing stock still to be gotten and
interest shown. ]    /   BR 4 July 14, 1904  [Article abt ] T. W. Clark of N. B.
Woolen mill

Fire   Tot-MP  BR 4 July 14, 1904 
Fire in business district at M.P.  Town is in helpless condition to fight fire.

Dairy  BR 4  July 14, 1904   Article about how condensed milk discovered.

Utility   Fire TOT  BR 4 July 21,1904
Myrtle Point has organized a Fire Company since the blaze of two weeks ago.

Srh  lumber  BR 4 July 21, 1904 
Schnr Ruby sailed w/425,000,000 ft lumber valued at $l5,000, being one of
most valuable cargoes ever taken out of the Columbia River.  

Tot-Bandon   BR 4 July 21, 1904  Polk Directory of Business is being worked

Other coal  Srh   BR 4  July 21, 1904  S. D. Rouse, the Riverton coal man, has
a crew of men at work in his mine.  He will construct a new bunker and
expects to be ready in a short time to ship coal.   +   [cp]

Photo  item  Tot-Bandon   BR 4 July 21, 1904  "Photo” buttons 10 to 15 cents
at Wrenshall's Gallery.

Oil   Locale  misc-wordBR 4 Aug 4, 1904
The Oil Company are still prosecuting work on their well near Dairyville,
with fair prospects of success. The company says little but saws wood and are
deserving of credit for their efforts to develop the resources of the country.  +  

RR survey  BR 4  Aug 4, 1904
P.O. Tribune: -- The railroad survey has now reached a point south of John
Fromm’s residence, having passed to the east of Humbug mountain. The
present survey will, in all probability, connect with the survey heretofore
made from Humboldt north to Chetco, in southern Curry. This will make a
complete Coast line survey from the S.P. rairoad at Drain, in Douglass [as in
print] county to San Francisco. The road will evidently be bui1t in due course
of time, probably within the next five or six years.   +   [cp]

Novelty-woolen  BR 4  Aug 4, 1904 
Woolen mills proposition still on; seems to have better outlook.

Arago  brick   BR 4  Aug 4, 1904 
Judge Schroeder was down from Arago, on Saturday, and reports operations
at the new brickyard progressing nicely. They have one hundred thousand
bricks on the yard. Owing to the dampness of the weather the drying process
is somewhat slower than was anticipated, but the work of placing them in the
kiln will be begun soon. While the machinery is not all that is desired, a good
lot of fairly presentable brick will be turned out this summer and in case the
material turns out to be as good as anticipated, other machinery of the latest
pattern will be added next season, and the very finest articles of brick and tile
a will be turned out at that yard to meet any demand.  --Coq. [print] Herald.  +

Novelty-woolen  BR 4  Aug 4, 1904 
Woolen mills. Pile driver at work and foundation under constr.

BR5 June 16, 1904

Misc-word  Entertain BR5 June 16, 1904
Steel and Freeland moving picture. Played to a well-filled house and
exhibition vy good but they did not overcome the glimmering tt usually
attends moving pictures. not quote

Srh  Breakwater   Spreckels indir.   Misc-word  BR5 June 16, 1904
The magnificent steamer Breakwater which has long been expected Coos Bay
arrived there last Friday and received a magnificent reception. + [red check
mark?] [cp]

4th July   BR5 June 16, 1904   [Articles abt coming 4th of July.]

Novelty.   woolen mill  BR June 16, 1904
A meeting of the stockholders of the Bandon Woolen mills took place
Tuesday evening, but an [as in print] account of some technicalities to be
observed, the meeting was postponed until Tuesday, July 21, at which time
organization will be completed.  +

misc-word BR5 June 16, 1904   Article on origin of wd humbug.

health BR5 June 16, 1904   Butter used as a medicine.

Tot-Coq.  Hotel.  Tupper. BR5 June 16, 1904  
Hotel at Coquille City. J. P. Tupper, prop.       

health BR5 June 16, 1904  
The triumph of modern surgery. [evidently saying lives can now be saved tt
were lost before]

Tot-Bandon BR5 June 16, 1904  Kime’s 0pera house

Nosler name  Tot-Coq BR5 June 16, 1904  
S. M. Nosler, one of proprietors of Coquille Steam Laundry.

Novelty.   Woolen mill  names BR 5  June 23,1904
The stockholders of the Bandon Woolen Mills met Tuesday evening and
effected an organization. E1bert Dyer, R.P.L. [as I typed it, but I think he was
R. E. L.] Bedillion, and W.D. Marshall were chosen Trustees, Mr. Dyer being
chosen President of the Company.       +
   The organization is now completed, and ready to operate as fast as
expedient. +

4th July   BR 5 June 30, 1904  Exercises of the day (coming) July 4, Bandon.

Tot-Bandon BR 5 June 30, 1904  
Tupper house changing management         /   more abt 0pera House.

Food BR 5 June 30, 1904   how they brewed coffee in 1662. 
 glass BR 5 June 30, 1904      ancient manufacture of glass.  

School   BR 5 June 30, 1904  A new school building contracted at NB.

BR6  June 30, 1904

LHC  Other town.   New industry.  Novelty.  Woolen mill.  Outlook.
Lumber.  P.O. Cedar.
     "Bandon, Coos County, is to have a new woolen mill and a broom-handle
and match factory,” said William Sanderson, a merchant of that place, who is
in Portland for a few days.  "The large woolen mill at Bandon, operated under
the management of T. W. Clark of Oregon City was removed to North Bend
during the past year. In it the citizens of Bandon had a practical demonstration
of the benefit of manufacturing enterprises to a town, and they have formed a
local corporation to build a woolen mill.
     "The new mill will give employment to from 75 to 100 hands, and it will
be in charge of capable managers. 
     'The Metropolitan match Company of San Francisco is building and
equipping a factory for the manufacture of matches and broom—handles.
    "The timber growth in close connection with San Francisco by schooners
gives the Coos bay country a decided advantage as a manufacturing center.
There are thousands of acres of the famous Port Orford or white cedar in the
Coos Bay country, and it is proving the most valuable export from that
section. The white cedar, when manufactured into lumber, brings a good
price, selling in the rough to local consumers at the rate of $35 and $10 per
thousand feet. The planed product brings $75 per thousand in San Francisco,
where it is used as a finished lumber in the finest dwellings and other
buildings. The wood is varnished and used in its natural color.”  —— Oregon
Daily Journal.    [M. 2004.  whole entry is +   but I'm not sure whether I got
every quote mark in place.]

Oregon boomer   paper    misc-writing BR 6  June 30, 1904
Portland Commercial Club offering 2 gold medals and $200 cash prize for
best article appearing in “outside” newspaper about Oregon or Portland, and
another for in—state residents.  [not very clear exactly what prizes for, but is
to “boost” the region and get people to come to live.]

Paper    DF Dean  JJ Stanley BR 6  July 7, 1904
J. J. Stanley has sold his interest in the Coquille Bulletin to D.F. Dean who
will combine the Bulletin with the Coquille Herald and issue a semi-weekly

Tot-Bandon  name  BR 6  July 7, 1904
The new management took possession of Tupper House yesterday, Mr.
Bedellion stepping down and out.

4th July   pursuits BR 6  July 7, 1904
4th of July and what took place Bandon. Exercises, ball game, children’s

Misc  Stained glass    BR 6  July 7, 1904 
stained glass. How. they make. Hasn't changed in centuries.

Misc-cosmic BR 6  July 7, 1904  
shooting stars. stony or metallic matter. [Tells] principal composition.

Novelty-wood  BR 6  July 7, 1904  Broom handle mill started up again
Tuesday morning.   [M. would be in Bandon]

Tot-Parkersburg    Mill BR 6  July 7,  1904 
The Parkersburg mill will start up next Monday again.

Tot-Bandon  city  ordinance  animal  BR7 Aug 4, 1904
The Bandon City Council passed an ordinance:
It is unlawful for any person to turn out or have running at large any bull, boar
or stallion within the town. Also cows.   [ But another ordinance lists] horses,
swine, mules, goats, sheep, or cattle may not run at large, provided however
that cows at ---- time or giving milk and being milked, may be run at large
between the hours of 5 am and 9 pm during such time, provided tt not more
than 2 cows be allowed per family within city limits. not quote



Transport  crime BR8 September 1, 1904
A stage driver was killed between Sixes and Denmark.

item  Tot-Bandon misc  BR 8 September 8, 1904.
The Bandon Furniture Company now have the sole agency for Chinamel, the
only wood finish made from the famous Japanese wood oil.  +

Other coal  PFL Co  Peart coal  coal lands BR 8 Sept  8, 1904.
Coquille Herald: E. I. Braddock, who came up from the city with R.D. Jones
has been dickering for a lot of property at this city including the P.F. and L.
Company's mill and a lot of coal land northwest of town which includes John
Peart’s mine.  The terms seem to be satisfactory to Mr. Braddock and have
been settled in every detail and in case the other members of the firm are
agreeable, the deal will be settled by the 15th.

Other mining    BR 8 Sept  8, 1904.   mining on Poverty Gulch

novelty-brick  Tot-Arago BR 8 Sept  8, 1904. 
Schroeder has his brick in the kiln


novelty-brick  Tot-Arago   BR 8 Sept 29, 1904
The first kiln of bricks have been burned at the Arago yard, and will soon be
ready for the market.

Tot-Bandon    music  BR 8  Sept 29, 1904  Bandon Cornet Band

Wood products  novelty-woolen  BR 8 Sept 28, 1904  
[woolen mill pile driving]

Tot-Coq  BR 8 Sept 28, 1904     J.P. Tupper still listed as host of Hotel

Tot-Arago  crop BR 8 Sept 29, 1904
Moomaw hop yard at Arago; a number of pickers are employed. Moomaw has
proven hops can be grown successfully in this county. not quote

Other coal, Peart    Lbr   BR 8 Sept 29, 1904
[article abt selling of Peart mine.] New firm will be styled Coquille Coal and
Lumber Company.  [more]

Fish  BR 8 October 6,1904  A good run of fish in river. 

Church BR 8 October 6,1904        M.E. church [M. no doubt Bandon] having
a new coat of paint. 

Novelty-Woolen   BR 8 Oct 6, 1904     work progressing on woolen mill.

Racism  fruit  McFarlin   Locale  BR 8 Oct 6, 1904
The Indians who have been picking cranberries on the Butterfield Marsh at
North Slough, have finished their work, having picked about 300 bushels, for
which they received 75 cents a bushel. It is understood that they are now on a
strike for a higher price than C.D. McFarlin is willing to pay for the picking of
his crop. ---Coast Mail.

Road  B 8 Oct 6, 1904  article abt road between Bandon, M.P. being graveled.
Pleasure to drive over.

Entertain  pursuits   BR 8 October 13, 1904.
Had a log rolling festivity at Coquille. [M. quite a deal!  See if needed.  almost
rates as an entertaiment.]

Locale?  Other coal, Timon BR 8 October 13, 1904.
[article about Timon coal outlook near Lampa Creek. lengthy descr. of a tour
through.]  Mr. Timon claims he can land coal in the bunker ready for shipment
at a cost of 55 cents per ton.

Other coal,  Riverton, Rouse BR 8 October 13, 1904.
Coal mining at Riverton. D. S. Rouse of the Riverton Coal and Development
Co.  [lengthy descr. physical.]  D.S. Rouse.   His new coal mine is progressing
nicely. The tunnel is 175 feet in, bunkers and tramway erected. Capacity of
bunkers 600 tons. Coal excellent quality. Mine 1/2 mile below Riverton. 

Srh river  music   Tot-Coq   BR 8 Oct 27, 1904
Geo Leach, who resigned as purser on the steamer Dispatch is to become
Instructor of the Band at Coquille.

Names   BR 8 Oct 27, 1904  Daniel Giles of M.P.

Fish cannery    BR 8  Oct 27, 1904
C, Timmins’ cannery has been busy taking care of fish for some time past, so
much so that it was necessary to stop taking fish yesterday and go to making
cans. Mr. Timmins began taking fish again this morning.   [Timmins in print.]

Srh   river   fish cannery  Tot-Prosper BR9 October 27, 1904
The Steamer Favorite took the run of the Steamer Dispatch yesterday, so that
the Dispatch could take a shipment of 1200 cases of salmon from Prosper
cannery to Cedar Point, from whence they will be taken to Marshfield for
shipment. +

Srh  BR 9 Oct 27, 1904 
The surf has been playing havoc with jetty RR on N side of river

Novelty-woolen  Br 9  Oct 27, 1904 
work progressing on woolen mills bldg

fish cannery  Tot-Empire  conditions BR 9 Oct 27, 1904 
Last week we announced that the Empire City cannery had quit taking fish
from the Coquille, which was correct; but as the fishermen who had been
fishing for the company could not dispose of their fish, the company
commenced buying again,  and is salting them down.  +

War  BR 9  Oct 27, 1904  Russians/ Japanese fighting   [ M. not sure of dates

Crop  name  BR 9  Oct 27, 1904 
Mr. A. Henry visited our office the other day for the purpose of acquainting us
with the tact that potatoes will grow in Bandon as well as in other localities,
and to prove it he produced three, the largest of which weighed three and a
fourth pounds, and their combined weight was eight and a half pounds.  +
[Early Rose variety; descr. of size, shape, etc.]

Misc     health   telephone BR 9  Oct 27, 1904 
Married by telephone is the latest in the way of unique weddings. The bride
and groom were in a Portland pest house where the groom was confined being
critically ill of malignant small pox. Distance is said to lend enchantment to
the scene, and on this occasion the magistrate was safely situated at a
transmitter four miles away.  +

Tot [Bandon?]  misc word shake  BR 9 December 15, 1904
Ad:  For a Christmas Pepper Shake, call at Gallier’s Hardware Store.  +  [M.
later ad said Christmas Salt and Pepper Shake, so they are shakers, not

Entertain  names  misc-word trigged   BR 9 Dec 15, 1904
The Children's Masquerade was very much of a success last Saturday evening,
and attracted enough to fill the hall quite full. There were some thirty children
trigged [as in print] up for the occasion, and the prizes awarded were given to
Florinda Munck, who represented a clown, the other prize being awarded to
Mildred Morse.  +

 Srh  novelty-woolen     BR 9 Dec 15, 1904 
The Chico steamer came in with machinery for the Bandon woolen mill.
[Descr. of discharging machinery and descr. of mill.]

Srh  misc-saying  BR 9 Dec 15, 1904
The Berwick lies well up on the North Spit where she ought to have been
easily hauled into the water if she had had suitable lines and one of the old
Rogue River boys who understands such work to manage.  But it is not our
dance and we don’t have to pay the fiddler.  +
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