Myrtle Point Enterprise   Myrtle Point, Or.   Chronological, with keywords

JAN 1 - MAR 26, 1898 MPE (a)      1897bMPE    | 1898bMPE    to newspaper menu 

Alaska-mining  world-news  MPE A 57  Jan 1, 1898 
10,000 miners are said to have engaged passage from Australia to the
Klondike gold mines.  [more]

Mail  misc  [MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898 
[list of Star Mail Routes having been awarded in Coos and Curry].  [M. do not
appear to be all water routes, as I'd heard star route meant.]

Graham  transport  Srh  [MPE   A 57  Jan 1, 1898.] 
Coos Bay News.  Manager Graham left for the city, Monday, via Myrtle Point
and Roseburg.  Mrs. Graham intends going down on the Arcata.  +  [cp]

disaster  Srh  Coq R  MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898
Coos Bay News.  There is a chance to save the hull of the steamer Moro,
lately wrecked near mouth Coquille River.  Going to pull into river.  Not
quote   [red check mark]

Xmas  Tot-MP  MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898  [long article] Xmas at MP.
Xmas  Tot-Remote  MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898  Xmas at Remote

Agric  climate  Xmas  MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898 
Flowers of various kinds were in bloom on Christmas day which speaks for
the mildness of our climate. Not quote.

Alaska-mining  MPE A 57 Jan 1, 1898  What gold seekers should take to
Yukon in way of outfit.

Fish cannery   MPE A 57 Jan 8, 1898  stat on salmon, salmon canning

Other-mining  Misc   MPE A 57 Jan 8, 1898 
Oregon's annual output of gold far exceeds that of Klondike.  Yet there is no
mad rush to this state to secure the fabulous wealth.  +

War   saying   MPE A 57 Jan 8, 1898
"Europe on the brink of war" -- but Europe, in these days, can stand a long
time "on the brink" and not fire a gun.  [more]  +

AHB  Srh-indir   fruit RR-haul   [MPE  A 57 Jan  8, 1898.] 
A.H. Black shipped another car load of 800 boxes of fine winter apples to San
Francisco, Monday. +    [cp]

Tot-MP saying    MPE A 57 Jan 8, 1898
From one-third to one-half of your life is spent in bed.  Why not have a good
one?  None better than the Yum Yum spring.  Try them and be convinced. 
For sale at J. L. Lewellen's.  +

Fruit  climate  Xmas  MPE A 57 Jan 8, 1898
Red and golden raspberries from the garden were found on Christmas.

Srh prices-fares  conditions  OC&N  [MPE A 57  Jan 8, 1898.
Coos Bay News.  Passenger and freight rates have been advanced on the O.C.
& N. Co’s steamers.
   Cabin $10; steerage $6;   freight, merchandize $2.50 ton.   [cp]

Interest    MPE A 57  Jan 15, 1898
Dora News Notes.  Someone wanted to know where all the flies come from
     Why, the toper makes the blue-bottle fly;
     The stern father makes the gad fly;
     The cyclone makes the house fly;
     The blacksmith makes the fire fly;
     The carpenter makes the saw fly;
     The driver makes the horse fly;
     The grocer makes the sand fly;
     And the boarder makes the butter fly.

Srh  Tot Misc-saying  MPE A 57 Jan 15, 1898
[M.  A lot of items in paper "to make some young man blush."]  Norway
Notes.  Can anybody tell why Mr. Radabaugh smiles so tenderly and long
when the steamer "Jennie" is spoken of?  +

agric  Tot-Norway  UR  RR name  [MPE  A 57  Jan 15, 1898.]
Norway News Items.  Mr. Dunlap sold his crop of hay to Mr. Graham.  He
delivered it to the Norway depot last week.  +   [M.  unverified whether it is
R.A.G. but since delivered to depot, must be him, not the Graham who lived
on upper river. ]   [cp]
RR  agric  [MPE A 57 Jan 15, 1898. ]
The R.R. Co., has bought considerable hay and grain of our people this winter
at fair prices.  +   [cp]

Entertain  music?  MPE A 57 Jan15, 1898   [lists program by Echo Octet]   

Other mining  locale  MPE A 57 Jan 15, 1898  Salmon Mtn mines.

Gage  crime  Srh  Interest?? MPE A 57a  Jan 15, 1898
County Seat Notes.
Last Saturday Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage went down to the steamer landing at
Coquille City, and on the arrival of the lower-river steamer arrested Frank
Wilson on a charge of larceny of money from Joseph Ferry, his employer, at
Riverton.  Deputy Gage was prevailed upon to take Wilson to his home first,
but instead of making his trouble known to his people with a view of giving
bond and keeping out of jail, he is said to have defied the deputy sheriff and
dared him to take him to jail.  Mrs. Wilson appeared on the scene and made a
vigorous attack on the officer on behalf of her son, and was struck on the head
with a revolver by the deputy and considerably injured.  The officer then
summoned assistance and lode Wilson in jail.  On Monday the prisoner was
bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $400.  The deputy was subjected to
considerable harsh criticism for his method of defense against Mrs. Wilson's
attack.  +

Dairy  Tot?  MPE A 57a  Jan 15, 1898  County Seat Notes.  [Coq creamery
still in operation.] 

County   MPE A 57a  Jan 15, 1898 County Seat Notes county court in session.

Tot-Coq  novelty-wood  MPE A 57a Jan 15, 1898
County Seat Notes.  Lyons' broomhandle factory received an additional lathe
last week.  The output of the mill is now about 2000 handles daily. 

 Tot-MP?   MPE A57a  Jan 15, 1898    S. J. Tuttle building new boarding
house.  Not quote

BH  [MPE A 57a  Jan 15, 1898.]
County Seat Notes.  The Beaver Hill coal company  has changed
management, A. S. [sic] Chandler, being the new manager. All contracts
under the former management are cancelled unless specially confirmed by Mr.
Chandler.  +   [cp]

Mill  Tot-Coq   character?  Morras  MPE A 57a Jan 15, 1898
County Seat Notes.  Alfred Johnson, late purchaser of the Morras mill plant, is
thoroughly overhauling the property, preparatory to the commencement of
work early in the spring.  He comes highly recommended as a good business
and mill man.  +

Needed  fruit  MPE  A 57a  Jan 22, 1898
Why in the world don't some one plant out a large orchard of our large, meaty
cherries [sic]?  There is nothing that a man could put out at this day and age,
that would pay as well.  Dried cherries are always worth from 35 to 40 cents
per pound, and the supply is so limited that most of the dried cherries used in
this country come from Germany, while the demand is always good.  + 

Alaska mining  outside-locale MPE A 57a Jan 22 1898 
latest news fm Klondike reports discovery of the original, or mother lode.

S O- CO  Tot-Empire mill  [MPE A 57a Jan 22, 1898.]
Rumors are again current that the Southern Oregon Co’s mill at Empire will
soon start up.  + [cp]

Graham  Chadwick  timber  coal Lhc-stat? Locale?
[MPE A 57a  Jan 22, 1898.] 
Coos Bay News.  It is stated that R.A. Graham has purchased the body  of
land known as the Chadwick Tract, containing 8000 acres.  This tract contains
immense coal deposits and is heavily timbered.  +  [cp]

Health  road  character  MPE A 57a  Jan 22, 1898 
Dan Barklow, the genial proprietor of the C.B.R. Stage company is suffering
severely with an attack of lagrippe.  +

Organiz  Tot-MP  MPE A 57a Jan 22, 1898  A camp of Maccabees is to be
organized at this place in near future. 

Disaster? Tot  Srh MPE A 57a Jan 22, 1898
The steamer Emily sank alongside the dock in Empire City  but was floated
and is ready for business again.

Fruit  conditions  outside-Tot  climate  MPE A 57a Jan 22, 1898 
The San Francisco market is overstocked with inferior apples, and the prices
rule low.  Shipment to the East ceased with the advent of the winter weather
causing a glut in the city. +

Disaster?  BH health  MPE A 57a Jan 22, 1898 
Marshfield Mail.  [M. was there a paper called that?]  Lawrence Jarnigan, a
miner at Beaver Hill, was killed while at work in the mine last Monday.  He
was engaged in pulling pillars, and not being quick enough to get out of the
way, was crushed by the falling timbers.  Deceased was aged about 25 years. 
[should be cp]

disaster machine   Srh   MPE A 58 Jan 22, 1898
Bandon Recorder.  The donkey engine has been removed from the steamer
Moro, and all hope of saving the vessel is abandoned.  [more]  [says shows
signs of breaking up.]  [red check mark]

Condit-Prospects  MPE A 58 Jan 29, 1898
The reason why 1898 is going to be a better business year than 1897 was is
that everybody thinks it will be.  [no comma between was is].  The immediate
outlook is much brighter now than it was twelve months ago, and the general
opinion is that it will be still brighter six months hence.  There is no room for
pessimists in this country these days.  --Eugene Journal.  +

Tot-GF  Bunch    MPE A 58 Jan 29, 1898  Bald Hill Items.  Miss May Bunch
has opened a store at Gravel Ford.  +

Fruit   Srh?  MPE A 58  Jan 29, 1898 
Coos Bay News.  Shipments of apples still goes on, notwithstanding the low
prices in the city.  +

Graham  Klondike-coal  saying [MPE  A 58  Jan 29, 1898.]  
On Monday morning, R.A. Graham sent a gang of carpenters to the front to
commence the erection of buildings at the new mining camp now being
opened.  They will erect a store building, a blacksmith shop, and boarding
house this winter.  A five-foot vein of coal is opened up.  Hugh McLain is
superintending the work.  The name of the new town is said to be Klondike,
and it is likely to turn out a regular bonanza to the owner, if the present
shortage of coal continues long enough.  Surveyors are at work running the
survey for a railroad into the new camp, which is situated about 1 ½ miles on
the Coquille side of Beaver Hill.  – Coast Mail.  +   [cp]

Disaster Mill  Rackleff Tot MPE A 58 Jan 29, 1898 
The Myrtle Point sawmill a smouldering ruin.  Capt. Rackleff mill.  Capt
McCloskey discovered the fire.  Not quote

Agric   animal  BH  [MPE a 58 Jan 29, 1898.] 
Wanted.  – Pasturage [sic] for from 30 to 40 head of horses and mules. 
Address the Beaver Hill Coal Company, Marshfield, Oregon, giving full
particulars in regard to feed, rates, etc.  W.S. Chandler, manager.  +  [cp]

Crime  road  locale?  MPE  a 58 Jan 29, 1898 
I. McInnon, the sign painter who was arrested charged with stealing $295
from Howard's Jewelry Store at Marshfield was released, there being
insufficient evidence to convict him. [had been captured at Lairds in route to

Fruit    MPE A 58 Jan 29,1898  still sending apples to SF

Tot-multi   fruit  food Dr. Easter   saying   MPE A 58 Jan29, 1898
Dr. J. Easter, Middle Fork Ranch
    He has become quite extensively engaged in the manufacture of apple
butter and apple syrup.  He brought 36 gallons of apple butter to B. C.
Lehmanowsky, the merchant [of MP], and it is certainly a gilt edged product
and meets with a ready sale.  The doctor informs us that he will engage quite
extensively in the fruit and hop business in the near future. +
dairy  condit-prospects  MPE A 58 Jan 29, 1898
The outlook of the Coos county creamery for the past year  show a continual
increase in the industry.  It has been but a few years since the first creamery
began operations in this county; there are now several in operation and it has
been proven conclusively that they can be operated with profit to all
concerned in the industry.  It will only be a short time until they will all be
able to continue operations through the winter with profit.  +

blacksand-mining  Tot   MPE A 59  Feb 5, 1898  talks abt black sand mines
near Randolph

Dora  climate  agric  MPE A 59  Feb 5, 1898
Dora News Notes.  We are having a variety of climate for the new year -- rain,
fog, frost, cold wind and snow.   /    The farmers have had a fine season for
sowing their grain and the outlook is good for a fine crop.  +

Entertain?  Music?  Srh excursion  MPE A 59 Feb 5, 1898 
long article abt Echo Octet excursion to Bandon by stmrs Myrl and Dispatch. 
Held concert, were entertained, etc   [red check mark]

Tot-MP  Organization  Lehmanowsky AHB Dodge Endicott  
MPE A 59  Feb 5, 1898
[long article] Deputy Supreme Commander of Tent of Maccabees.  B. C.
Lehmanowsky, A. J. Black, Orvil Dodge, A. H. Black, W. W. Endicott.  [M.
2004:  K.O.T.M.  A branch of Masonic Lodge]

BH  [MPE A 59 Feb 5, 1898] 
Coos Bay News.  It is rumored that the management of the Beaver Hill mine
intends sinking a shaft.  This will tap the immense basin of coal in that
section, and will insure a large output.  +  [cp]

Alaska-mining health saying  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898
Men who are now hardening themselves for the Klondike by sleeping out of
doors and bathing in ice water are likely to arrive their [as typed] about
midsummer, when the thermometer registers 100 in the shade, and when
mosquitos are as thick as microbes in a plague.  +

Alaska-mining  agric lbr woolen-mill  condit-prospects 
MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898 
Oregon feeling influence of Klondike trade.  Fruits, vegetables, lumber trade
more activity, woolen mills. Not quote   Thus we are benefitted whether we go
or not.  +
Dora   climate poetry   MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898
Dora News Notes.  Cold and raw the North winds blow,
                                Bleak in the morning early,
                                 All the hills are covered with snow,
                                 Winter has now come fairly.  +

Novelty-Brick  courthouse  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898
Micelli Bros, [no apostrophe or period] of Roseburg, have secured the
contract to furnish 400,000 bricks for the new Coos county courthouse [one
word] at Coquille City, the contractor being H. Snook, of Salem.  They will go
to Coquille within a few days to make arrangements to begin work, and will
take along several of their old hands.  +

Giles  Tot-MP  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898   Mrs. D. Giles sells hats.  Not quote

Utility  Tot-MP harness  name  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898 
A fine wind-mill was erected at a heighth [sic] of 50 feet on a vacant lot back
of Lee's harness shop for Matt Nystrom.  A large tank will be erected at Mr.
Nystrom's hotel and will be supplied with water for domestic purposes and
fire protection by the wind-mill.  Robt. Martin and Klondike Page are
executing the work.  +

Fire Tot  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898  A disastrous fire at Marshfield. Coast Mail.

Health  name  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898   Dr. Tower officer. 

Name   MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898  Coke & Coke.
BH  misc Tot-Multi  [MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898..]
E. Schneider, of this place and John Lydick, of Beaver Hill, engaged in a little
“physical culture” exhibition on our streets Saturday night, resulting in the
city treasury being enriched to the extent of 10 dollars – 5 dollars each –
Monday morning.  +  [cp]

War  outside-news  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898  President Barrios of Guatemala
murdered;  Guatemala in civil war over his death
War  Srh  outside-locale  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898 
Battleship Maine blown up in Havana.  Over 200 crew killed, many wounded.

Agric  Alaska-mining&trade  MPE A 59 Feb 19, 1898
The canners and fruit driers of California, Oregon, and Washington are having
a bonanza in the Alaska trade.  California papers say they are rushing the
driers night and day to meet the great demand.  --InterOcean.  +

War  Srh MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898 [ lengthy article] on Battleship Maine

Crime  MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898 
Van Pelt family murdered Coolidge.  Now Mr. Van Pelt fired on and shot by
someone looking for revenge.

Tot  crop  flour-mill  MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898
Norway News Notes.  Mr. Hodge has stored about three hundred bushels of
barley in the Norway mill ready for the rollers and market.  Parties wanting
barley take notice.  +

Graham  Klondike-coal  [MPE A 60  Feb  26, 1898.] 
Marshfield Sun.  Reports say that a message was received Tuesday from R.A.
Graham who is at present in New York, to not discharge any more coal miners
who are engaged on the Klondike vein.  +  [cp]

agric conditions  Srh   Alaska-mining  MPE A 60 Feb 26 1898
Coos Bay News.  There are hundreds of dollars worth of potatoes waiting
shipment but no transportation.  Farmers anxious because demand brisk. Not
quote  [M. presum because all the ships went to Alaska.]

Graham  Klondike-coal   name  [MPE  A 60 Feb 26, 1898.]
Coos Bay News.  The slope in R. A. Graham’s coal mine, was down 450 ft.
on Saturday, and work is being pushed with all possible speed in extending it. 
Hugh McLain, superintendent, intends to start two gangways about March
10th.  He is at present hiring all the men he can work to advantage, and will
have room for more in the near future.  The coal is a superior article, and
thereof the mine is all that could be desired.  +  [cp]

Tot  music  MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898  Myrtle Point Cornet band will be

Mill  Tot  MPE A 60 Feb 26 1898 
Insurance co settled Wall Bros mill fire.  Not quote  [M. I thought it said
Rackleff's mill burned; although it listed Walls initially.]

county-records   Rackleff  politic character?    MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898 
A new resident of this vicinity who had occasion to visit the county seat on
business lately, remarked to us on his return that on looking over the county
records he had never before seen a neater or better kept set of county books,
which is a deserving compliment to Edward Rackleff, county clerk.  Mr.
Rackleff has proven a most competent, genial and accommodating clerk and
we venture the assertion that not one single fault can be found with his
administration of the affairs of his office.  Why not retain for a second term, a
most faithful obliging and competent servant?
Entertain  MPE A 60 Feb 26, 1898 
Grand Mask ball this time.  supposed to be interesting.  Special numbers

Paper  saying   MPE A 60 Mar 5, 1898
[Headline:]  A Live Paper for Live People -- Bright, Newsy, Independent.  +

Alaska-mining  Interest?  MPE A 60 Mar 5, 1898 
The twenty-two hours of daylight in summer would make Alaska delightful
for picnics if it were not for mosquitos.  The twenty-two hours of dark would
be equally delightful for sparking in the winter if it were not for the cold.  +

Paper  Bandon MPE A 60 Mar 5, 1898
 D. E. Stitt has sold interest in Bandon Recorder to McDevitt, Salem
newspaperman.  Mr. Stitt put in 7 years faithfully on the Recorder and
published a good paper.  [M. some words left out.]

War  world-news MPE A 60 Mar 5, 1898
[articles on] Spain.  Now that we are about to be involved in war with her. 
Statistics abt country.

Paper  Tot MPE A 60  Mar 5, 1898  W. C. Conner editor and prop of MPE.

Photo  Tot  MPE A 60a  Mar 5, 1898
Reed & Leek will be found at their gallery every day now, prepared to do your
photo work.  +  
Health  animal name  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898
B. C. Schull was quite severely kicked by his horse last Monday just below
his knee.   

Health  Tot-Multi   MPE  a 60a Mar 5, 1898
  Dr. D R Toye, popular Marshfield dentist, at MP hotel prepared to do all
kinds of dental wrk.  Satisfaction guaranteed.

Condit-signs-times  school  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898 
An Exchange sarcastically remarks: Richard Roe has gone over to Sucker
creek to teach his term of school.  He will hereafter be "Prof." Roe.  +

Futrell paper  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898 
We are just in receipt of an interesting letter for publication, from Prof. J. L.
Frutrell [sic], of Coquille City, which will be given our attention next week.  +

Misc  animal  Tot-MP name   MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898
Chas. Dodge and L. L. Burtenshaw engaged in a dispute over a cayuse,
Monday, and finally came to blows, whereupon they were taken before the
recorder and promptly paid their fines.  +  [cp]

War-indir Hermann  vital stat  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898 
A plump and pretty lady arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hermann,
Feb. 26, 1898.  The "new woman" is now a more interesting topic than the
possibility of war with Spain.  +

Name School  Tot-MP  character MPE A 60a  Mar 5, 1898 
Prof. Traver closed a most successful and interesting five month term of
private school at this place today.  It was a term in which teachers and
students alike took a remarkable interest, and the results are most gratifying. 
Through the energy and competency of Prof. Traver our schools are now in a
flourishing condition.

Name  MPE A 60a  Mar 5,1898 
Miss Flora McDonald has returned home from Marshfield where she has past
several mo. 

Hermann health    MPE A 60 a Mar 5, 1898   
S B Hermann and family expected home next wk, Mr. Hermann's health
greatly improved.
Rackleff   Tot  visiting  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898   
 Mrs. Edward Rackleff and family, Coq, arr this place Wed and enjoying
pleasant visit with relatives and friends.

Road   name Tot-Arago MPE A 60a  Mar 5, 1898 
Z. T. Johnson, E D Myers and Loyd [sic] Spires went to Arago last Saturday
to assess damages to property traversed by a new road leading to tt place. 

Travel  mining??  Outside-locale Name  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898 
Walter Endicott and Guy Rose, two of our popular young men, contemplate a
trip to British Columbia in the near future.  Here's wishing you luck, boys.   +  

Tot-name outside-Tot   Alaska-mining MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898  
W. F. Lundy, of Myrtle Point, stopped off at Drain over Sunday on his way to
Klondike. --Watchman.   +

Road Travel  paper  Tot-MP  MPE  A 60a Mar 5, 1898 
Miss Mattie Huling one of Myrtle Point's popular young ladies came in
Tuesday night on the stage and left on the local Wednesday morning for a six
month stay in Portland.  Miss Huling remembered the Watchman with a very -
pleasant visit.  -- Drain Watchman.  +

MP-names  govt MPE A 60a  Mar 5, 1898 
Judge E Bender will arr in Roseburg abt next Tue  where will be met by his
son Ernest with private conveyance and will return to this place for brief visit
with family friends.  He called to Oregon fm Washington on official business
and takes this opportunity to pay homefolks a brief visit.  Not f q 

F Long  harness crop? Srh-indir? Tot-MP invention  MPE A 60a Mar 5, 1898
F. Long, the harness maker, is out with a new invention -- a water wheel
motive power, differing vastly from any water wheel we have ever seen.  The
wheel instead of standing perpendicular it is operated in a horizontal position
and may be operated on the bank in the stream or on a scow or float anchored
in the current of a stream [on print].  It works on the same principle as the
rakes on the old fashioned self-reaper, only one side of the wheel being in the
water at a time.  Mr. Long has given his model a trial and it works like a
charm.  +

war  MPE A 61  Mar 5, 1898 
 [head:] Signs of War Increasing.  Government preparing for possible

War  Srh  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898  [more abt battleship] Maine; how wrecked;
lying in mud, etc.

Gage  county politic character name   MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898
Sheriff W. W. Gage and Assessor K. H. Hansen are gentlemen of
unquestioned principle and integrity.  They stand firmly on the platform of
their political faith yet command the respect of all. No two men in the county
can command as many votes as they.  Their renomination would meet with
approval.  +

Condit-Signs-times    Politic? Misc  poetic   MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898 
[poetic on the country candidate.  Leg-pulling poem.  Could be used as signs
of times or what they thought then.]

Paper  misc-word  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898 
[this issue different format; instead of 4 pg large page, 8 page but smaller. 
Extensive kinds of news and fillers; almost a "country magazine."  [old one 32
column blanket sheet.  New 5 column 8 pg Enterprise]
The Enterprise is now a model country newspaper.

Fruit  farming  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898 
fruit trees are budding and blooming.  Plowing has commenced in this

Art-etchings   Dodge  history-book   literary?  Saying? 
MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898
The first consignment of fine half-tone plates with which to illustrate the
Pioneer History was received by us this week, and turned over to the historian,
Mr. Dodge.  The history promises to be a work of art as well as a historical
and literary gem.

Food  Alaska-mining  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898
  how to prepare Alaska bread.  No yeast or raising dough.
Quart of flour
2 tbls. Cleveland's baking powder
1 tsp salt.
Mix w/cold water or milk until stiff.  Grease pan.  Bake until cooked, abt 1/2
hr.  Biscuits, add lard or bacon fat and roll out.  Cut into circles w/top of
baking powder can or cup.  Bake 15 min.

Fruit  RR-haul Srh   prices  MPE A 61  Mar 5, 1898
 C.B.News .  Apples shipped from the bay to San Francisco, lately, brought
from 50 to 75 cents per box.   
Other-coal BH [outside-Tot] Srh  MPE  A 61  Mar. 5, 1898.] 
C.B. News   About 50 miners,  39 of which are from Beaver Hill, leave on the
Arcata for Tsla [sic] mine, near Stockton, Cal.  [cp] 

BH  conditions  [MPE a 61 Mar 5, 1898. ] 
C.B. News.  The Beaver Hill mines were shut down last week, and a large
number of men were thrown out of employment in consequence.  It is stated
that the shut down is merely temporary, and the work will be resumed in the
near future.  + [cp]

Crime  BH  Srh  Gage RR [MPE  A 61  Mar 5, 1898.]
C. B. News.  [Is this same as in CCH or other paper?]  Warrants were issued
last week for the arrest of F. M. Simpson, on the charges of arson and
embezzlement.  He was supposed to have gone below on the Arcata but
sheriff [sic] Gage received a dispatch that he was not on board when the
vessel arrived in the city.  [cp]

Animal  Locale conditions  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898
Bald Hill.  Scrub cattle have risen in price about 33 per cent since a year ago.  

Bunch  Locale.   MPE a 61 Mar 5, 1898
Prof. Bunch preached to a crowded house on  Sunday, at the Bald Hill school

War  Srh?  MPE A 61 Mar 5, 1898 
[More on the Maine.  Think they know where powder came from to blow up. 
Other stat.]

AHB item price  MPE A 62 Mar 5, 1898
[A H Black ad.]  This offer is strictly for cash.  25 c cupon [sic] [M. not
certain whether 25 numerical or spelled].  This coupon is good for 25 c in
payment on ladies or gents shoes, if cut out and presented to us before March
24, 1898.  +

other-mining  crime  locale?  Name  MPE A 62 Mar 5, 1898   
J. W. Casteel, old and well known miner of Douglas co, was killed Thur
morning at his mine on Lee's creek  8 mi N. of Myrtle Creek.  Partner J M
Alderman.  Alderman claims he acted in self defense.  Coroner's jury said
murder.  He shot him 3 times.  not q at all.

Tot-Norway  farm MPE A 62   Mar 5, 1898.]  Norway Items.   H. Shroeder
[as typed] talking of renting his farm.
RR-spur   Tot-Norway name  agric Interest  MPE A 62 Mar 5, 1898 
Norway Items.   J. Fred Schroeder and sons have placed strap iron on their car
track, connecting their barn with the Coos Bay Roseburg & Eastern Railroad. 
+   [cp]

Tot-Norway  school  saying?? MPE A 62 Mar 5, 1898 
Norway Items.  Miss Minnie McCracken's successful term of school has
closed, without a dissenting voice being heard during the entire term.  We
bespeak for her a bright future.  Directors of school districts take notice.   

Mill  "first" saying  Tot-Coq  MPE A 62 Mar 5, 1898  
[M. seemed to be with Norway items.]   The employes [sic] at Alfred
Johnson's mill received a pleasant treat recently from Mr. Johnson, for
breaking the record for one day's run at the mill.  Mr. Johnson promises a
season of much hilarity if the event occures [sic] again.  +

Paper  name MPE  A 62  Mar 12, 1898 
A. A. Jameison and F. Long have our thanks for subscription payments this

Entertain  phonograph  Tot-MP  price MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898
A Gramophone at the opera hall this Saturday evening.  Admission only 10
cents.  +

Hermann  school-indir  mail  Tot-MP?    MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898. 
Postmaster F. P. Hermann and family moved back into their neat, cozy
residence near the public school building, Wednesday.  +

Tot   food  name  item MPE A 62  Mar 12, 1898 
Chas. Lehmanowsky has added a fine steam peanut roaster to the
confectionery department of his store.  He is also making a nice display of
new goods in his shop windows.  +

AHB  phonograph  entertain misc-word MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898 
Quite a company of young people were royally entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Black Monday evening, their new gramophone furnishing and
rendering the programme.  +

AHB  phonograph  "first" MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898
A.. H. Black has received a fine new gramophone, first one in this section,
remarkable improvement, not q 

Real estate?   Farm  Alaska mining    Tot-Multi-MP   MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898 
A. A. Jameison [sic] has sold his ranch to Mr. Young and will go to Alaska so
it is reported.  --Port Orford Tribune.
     Mr. Jameison accompanied by his family [no commas] arrived at this place
last Friday and have [sic] taken up their residence in one of Mr. Dixon's
houses.  The family will remain here while Mr. Jameison seeks his fortune in
Alaska.  +

School  book  name salesman visiting  character [MPE  A 62 Mar 12, 1898.]
Mrs. Clara Mansfield, one of Coos County’s most successful school teachers,
was filling orders for a Klondike history, and visiting with friends in our city
this week.  She contemplates taking a course in the Portland business college
in the near future.  +   {cp]

Traver -Names   Bender-govt?  outside-Tot  MPE A 62  Mar 12, 1898
Profs L. R. and L. W. Traver accompanied Ernest Bender to Roseburg last
Saturday.  L R Traver was looking after business matters Rsbg and returned
home Thur, while L W Traver went to Forest Grove to visit old friends, prob.
Return before long  not q

Rackleff visiting  MPE A 62 Mar 12, 1898 
Mrs. Edward Rackleff returned to home Coq Wed after enjoyable visit to
friends and relatives in this place, accompanied by Mrs. Laura Lewellen who
will enjoy brief visit Coq.  not q.

dairy    crop MPE  A 63 Mar 12, 1898 
creameries increasing. Acreage devoted to fodder grows every yr; wheat fields
smaller each year.  Diversified farming is what pays.  It is the cow that bring
in steadier income.  Not quote

AHB  visiting  MPE A 63 Mar 12, 1898  [a while back it said Mrs. Black had
been in Illinois for a while visiting relatives; don't think I wrote it down but
would have been in last part of 1897 or first part 1898.]

AHB  phonograph  "first"  Coq valley music  entertain
MPE A 63 Mar 12, 1898 
A. H. Black has received a fine new Gramophone [capital, sic], the first one to
be introduced in this section of the Coquille Valley, hence to a great many
people it is somewhat of a novelty.  It is a remarkable improvement over the
phonograph, as the songs, music and speeches reproduced by it are rendered
far more audible than by the phonograph.  The gramophone [not in cap ]
affords a most pleasant evening's entertainment, either for a public or private
gathering.  +  [cp]

Health-indir  paper   MPE A 63 Mar 12, 1898
[tells story abt Dr. K. A. Leep.  M. note: Since they are in the habit of
stretching old jokes to known people in area probably or possibly isn't true.  ]

Crime  Gage  RR  Srh  misc-word  MPE A 63 Mar 12, 1898 
Frank M. Simpson late of Marshfield [no comma after Simpson], was arrested
in San Francisco on the 3rd inst, on charges of embezzlement, arson and
falsifying accounts.  At first he denied his identity, saying that his name was
Frank Smith, but later admitted he was the man wanted.  He was in the
employ of the Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railroad for three years, and
recently very unceremoniously took his departure for San Francisco.  On
Monday sheriff [not in cap] W. W. Gage passed through this place armed with
requisition papers, enroute to San Francisco, and in due time will return with
the culprit   +  [cp] 

Food  price  MPE A 63  Mar 12, 1898
[ad for] Walter Baker & Co's Breakfast Cocoa.  Absolutely pure, delicious,
nutritious.  Cost less than one cent a cup.

War  paper-cuts  outside-locale  MPE A 63 Mar 12, 1898 
[article abt if War Should Come.  Shows guns on Havana harbor, U S cruiser,
how torpedo destroys.  Many cartoon drawings.  Lengthy article.]

BH  [MPE A 63  Mar 12, 1898.]  Coos Bay News.  Work is to be resumed at
Beaver Hill immediately; so it is stated.   +   [should be cp]  

BH other  coal condit-develop, prosperity  lumber   MPE a 63 Mar 12, 1898
All signs point to activity in the development of coal mines on Coos bay in the
near future.  New mines will be opened, and the output of the old ones will be
increased.  If the lumber business would only improve, an era of prosperity
would soon be apparent in this section.  +  [cp]

OC&N  other-coal?  Srh  [MPE A 63  Mar 12, 1898.] 
Coos Bay News.   The O.C. & N. Co. lately purchased a fine steamer in New
York for the Coos bay trade. We learned from the company’s agent here, that
the steamer is larger than the Czarina, and has a carrying capacity of 1600
tons, on a draught of 14 feet.  The vessel is probably on her way from New
York by this time.  +  [cp??]  [M. 2005 I thought Spreckels had interests in

Mill  crime locale health-murder saying-attitude  MPE A 63  Mar 12, 1898 
Curry County News.  Port Orford Tribune.  The celebrated Chetco Coolidge-
Van Pelt sawmill is advertised for sale for taxes.  Better for all concerned had
it never been built.  [evidently Coolidge and Van Pelt were partners.] +    [M.
2004.  murder of Van Pelt by Coolidge was told about in a previous paper.]

Rackleff county  politic character  MPE A 64  Mar 12, 1898 
Edward Rackleff, our genial county clerk, visited MP relatives and friends
over Sunday.  Mr. Rackleff has given the greatest satisfaction in the
administration at clerk's office and his friends would be pleased to retain his
services another term.  He is deserving.  Not quote

Tot-Prosper   Srh  Alaska-mining  MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898 
W. H Brown and Wm. Page spent few days Prosper this wk.  Report work
progressing rapidly on the Klondike schooner and tt she will be launched in
abt wk.  She will probably be christened Mizpah  not q

AHB  visiting  MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898 
M/M A H Black to Marshfield Fri last week returning home Mon, business
combine with pleasure.  not q.  

Hermann  health MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898    
 S B Hermann and wife will arr home this evening.  Mr. Hermann health
improved.  Not q.  

School  locale  county-officer   MPE  a 64 Mar 12, 1898  
 school supt Barklow in town a few days looking after business at the
Catching Creek school district..  nq  

Tot-Coq-name   postmaster MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898  L Harlocker received
appointment of Postmaster, Coq.

MP-name  MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898     W C Guerin returned home fm wk at

visitng   names  MPE a 64 Mar 12, 1898 
Mrs. W. C. Strahon [sic] went to Coq Mon for pleasant visit with Mrs. W S

Health name MPE a 64  Mar 12, 1898  Uncle Harvey Lewellen continues to
improve in health.

Health  school  "first" MPE a 64 Mar 12, 1898  
Dr. J W Strange writes to friends in MP tt having pleasant and profitable time,
taking post graduate course in University of Calif and special training in
private offices and will soon return in new and late methods such as never
have been introduced in this county.  not Quote.

Health  paper  interest?  MPE A 64  Mar 12, 1898 
Yesterday and day before we called on W A Toye, the dentist.  He inspected
the inside of our face and remarked that there was very little for him to do in
retaliation for some work we have been doing for him.  We are forced to
conclude, however, that his resolve to go that printing bill several dollars
better and nearly starve us besides.  When he got through fooling around with
that buzz saw movement infernal machine he had all our teeth aching and
nerves on edge, but we are assured of no more toothache for some time to
come.  He is a first class dentist.   Not q  

Crime Allied  [MPE A 64  Mar 12, 1898.] [articles abt Frank Simpson.]  [all tt
in notes.]  [cp]

Health  character  MPE A 64 Mar 12, 1898  
Norway Items.  The genial face of John Root was seen on our streets
Thursday, after an illness of four weeks.  +

[??]  MPE A 65 Mar 12, 1898    
J Fred Schroeder is director to serve 3 years; Henry Allen to fill unexpired
term of J G Dunlap; A H Schroeder elected clerk.  [M. 2004 is this of
creamery, town, or ??]  [M. 2005 this item may have been with Norway

Tot-MP   AHB  MPE A 64  Mar 12, 1898 
City council MP,  Dr. K A Leep in chair;  councilmen A H Black, N G W
Perkins, Chas Adams, W C Connor,  Marshall J C Brown, L A Roberts

Sehlbrede  govt court?  Outside-Tot  MPE A 64  Mar 19, 1898 
Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede of Roseburg last Mon was appointed commissioner for
Alaska.  He will leave for Alaska at close of coming term of circuit court at
Roseburg.  Not q

AHB  politic  character  misc-word-townsman  MPE A 64 Mar 19, 1898
Out townsman, A. H. Black is being beseiged by his many friends, both of the
Coquille valley and Coos bay, to accept the nomination of county judge on the
republican ticket.  Mr. Black is a gentleman of more than ordinary sound
judgement, a careful, conservative and successful businessman, and in every
way emminently [as typed] well qualified for the office.  His nomination
would meet with the hearty approval of every republican in the county, as well
as every citizen, who regards the qualifications and fitness of the man above
party prejudices, and we have reason to believe that there are many of the
latter class of citizens in this county. No better man can be named for the
office.  +

Van Pelt [mill-indir?]  crime locale  anti-character-attitude  interest?
 MPE a 65  Mar 12, 1898
[M.  believe this article must have started with a notice]  [not sure whether this
is second item or part of other Van Pelt as it appears on tape.]  Then there was
a notice posted at Chetco after the murder of Van Pelt saying the sons and
sons in law of the late Thomas Van Pelt are hereby given notice are hereby
given until March 1st to leave Curry County, Oregon.  Any neglect on their
part will prove fatal.  Committee of Six.  This notice naturally leads people to
conclude that a committee of six were implicated in the murder of Van Pelt,
that the partisans of Coolidge having no hopes of producing evidence
connecting the Van Pelts with the Coolidge murder have determined to
frighten the mouth of the country, get them to forfeit their bonds and then
brand them as escaped murderers.  [P. O. Tribune.]   [ + except some
punctuation]  [M 2004.  Not sure I understand this.] 

war  MPE A 65 Mar 19, 1898  [and earlier] 
Battleship Maine blown up fm shore by Spanish. Have been other theories but
now determined for sure.

Misc  US-Canada border dispute  Alaska border dispute 
MPE a 65  Mar 19, 1898.]
[Had been a dispute abt border between Canada-US. Had said Canada was
going to claim some territory belonging to US.     /      The Alaska boundary
has been settled favorably to the United States.   [M. but a later issue said it
wasn’t again.]

paper  MPE A 65 Mar 19, 1898  [Comments on what other papers say abt new
format MPE]

AHB  invention  MPE A 65 Mar 19. 1898  
A. H. Black, of Myrtle Point, when over here last week, showed us a new
method of book-keeping which he has invented and has patented.  He has had
it in practical use in his own store at Myrtle Point and finds that it does away
with all possibility of dispute or mistake, especially in open accounts.  We
think that it is the best thing in the line of general book-keeping which we
have seen and we do not doubt but that it will be universally adopted
whenever Mr. Black introduces it to the public.  --Coast Mail.  +

Commission-house  fruit  farmers  Srh  outside-Tot  condit  
MPE A 65  Mar 19, 1898
C. W. Hunt, representing the commission firm of Hunt, Hatch & Co., of 
Oakland, Calif., made the Enterprise a pleasant call Tuesday.  He was here in
the interest of his firm and also the new river steamer proposition.  He advises
our fruit growers to give special care to their apple orchards, as they are
assured a good price for their fruit this fall.  He also states that our farmers are
assured a good price for all kinds of grain and hay the coming season, as
California's crop prospects are very discouraging.  +

Fruit  MPE A 65  Mar 19, 1898 
Siglers Pound apples, more commonly known as the King.  Yellow, sound
and highly flavored winter apples.  Apple had its origin in Morgan County,

Outside-Tot  condit-progress  utility?  price  tax MPE A 65 Mar 19, 1898 
The city of Lemati (East Cottage Grove) [sic] has not levied a city tax for six
years.  The city is supplied with electric ligts and water for fire purposes
practically free of cost.  The water rate for family use is only 75 cents a
month, and yet on that small revenue the town more than pays for its street
lighting and the interest on its bonds, and has built a nice little city hall and
engine-house, and has a neat sum in the treasury, which is steadily growing. 
These are features that attract the people, and some of the many reasons why
there are no signs "for rent" posted on the doors of any of the residences here.
--Leader.  +

AHB  phonograph  entertainment  MPE a 66  Mar 19, 1898 
A. J.  and  J. A. Black will give a Gramophone entertainment at Bandon
tonight.  + 

Visiting  name  MPE a 66 Mar 19, 1898   
 Mrs. Lillie Graham and Mrs. Albert Jones, both daughters of P A Decker,
guests of relatives at this place.  

Tot-MP  name   MPE a 66 Mar 19, 1898   
S. Breuer, the veteran shoemaker, will be found at his shop at rear of
Lehmanowsky's store ea Fri and Sat.  not q.

Tot  paper  photo  misc-word MPE a 66 Mar 19, 1898 
Reed & Leek the photographers, have designed and photographed an
"Enterprise kid" with a fac simile ground.  It is not a representation of the
typical "yellow kid," of journalism, but the "yellin' kid."  It is a clever piece of

Animal  Misc MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898
One of our farmers has discovered a plan to get a hog back into a pen.  Get
hog's nose at hole in pen, then go round behind hog, carefully, pull back hard
as you can on tail.  Animal will think you want to keep it from going in and
make a leap to it.  Not quote at all

Nosler  Tot visiting MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898  Mrs. Nosler of Coquille City is
guest of Mrs. F G Dixon.

Tot-Bandon  visiting  misc-word MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898  
M R Lee, rustling Bandon warehouse man and furniture dealer, several days
in our city looking after business accompanied by Mrs. Lee who still visiting

[govt office?] visiting Tot-MP   MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898  
Judge B. Bender [as typed] arr at his home this city last fri fm Wash DC  He
was called for official business and going to have 2 wk visit with home folks. 
Not q

other-mining  fruit  Tot-multi  outside-Tot name  MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898 
Ash Moore of Salmon Mtn made pleasant call Wed; exchanged Salmon Mtn
mines for a fine fruit farm in S. Calif. Near LaEnsenada.   Wm D Wason and 4
sons who are experienced miners are now in possession of the mine.  Mr.
Moore, after brief visit with his family at Bold Beach [as typed; did it mean
Gold Beach?]  will return to this place and take charge of Johnson Creek
mines belonging to the MP Co in which Mr. Moore also interested.  Not q.

Disaster -Fire Tot-MP name   MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898
Just as we were going to press, our citizens were startled by the sounding of
the fire gong and the cry of Fire.  Chester Bender in passing the Myrtle Point
hotel at 9 on horseback, discovered the flames issuing from the roof of the
kitchen, and gave the alarm.  The fire evidently caught in the roof from the
flue, but was soon extinguished.  The fire was discovered just in time to
prevent a disasterous [as typed] conflagration.   +

Disaster  Srh  Alaska-trade  MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898 
Gasoline schnr Bessie K and schnr Del Norte, both well known to shippers of
this valley, both lost recently.  Former on Alaska rte; latter off Tillamook. 
Both wrecks no doubt occasioned loss of life.  Not q  [red check mark]

Minot Tot  animal-bees  MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898 
Marshfield Sun.  Attorney Minot is devoting his spare moments to the study
of apiary.   

Srh  Tot-name  outside-Tot MPE a 66 Mar 19, 1898
John Wall, MP, left for Puget Sound to engage in steamboating.   [red check

Politic  name MPE a 66 Mar 18, 1898    
L. Harlocker, Coq, mentioned as poss candidate county judge republican

MP-name?  Farming  real estate  MPE a 66 Mar 19, 1898    Mr. Mundy
purchased a farm above MP.  

Tot-Multi  health  name MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898  Hall Creek. 
Mrs. J Radabaugh staying w/Mr Radabaugh's parents near Norway, his father
being quite ill. 

Tot-multi school  name  MPE A 66 Mar 19, 1898
Norway Items.  Miss Minnie McCloskey has secured Fishtrap school;  Miss
Flora the Arago, and Miss Bertha Barklow the Roy school.

Climate  MPE A 66 Mar 26, 1898 
light mantle of snow covered daisies and buttercups this am.  Unusual for this
section country  not q

Tot-MP    AHB  MPE A 66 Mar 26, 1898 
W E Lewellen and family have taken up their residence in cottage of H
Lewellen, opp A H Black & Co store. 

L R   Dodge's history book  MPE A 66 Mar 26, 1898 
Orvil Dodge, historian, home Wed fm extended trip downriver in interests of
forthcoming history  not quote at all.

Srh  Coq-R MPE A 67 Mar 19, 1898 
another proposal to build steamer for Coq river trade.  [red check mark]

Alaska-mining  MPE A 67  Mar 19, 1898  [notes on Alaska mining]

Paper   misc-story    MPE A 67 Mar 19, 1898
[this new paper format has a story in it each week.  [syndicate style]  ]

Porter mill  [IT]RR timberland  Isthmus Cal-Lbr-Co 
[MPE A 67  Mar 19, 1898.,]
 Marshfield Sun.  The Porter mill, several thousand acres of timberland, and
the Isthmus-transit railroad were sold at sheriff’s [not in caps] sale and were
bid in b y W. P. Adams, for the holders of the judgement against the
California Lumber Co.  +   [M. note, what was left of ITRR when it was said
Graham used the roadbed for CBR?]     [cp]

SO-Co mill  Tot-Empire [MPE A 67 Mar. 19, 1898.]
Coos Bay News.  The work of over-hauling the S. O. Co’s mill at Empire
underway.  Rumors that it will soon start up seem to be founded on fact.  Not
q  [cp]

Outside-RR   outside-Tot  MPE a 67 Mar 26, 1898 
The last spike on the Astoria and Columbia river railroad is to be driven on
April 1st.  [cp]

Alaska- mining  outside-Tot MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898
[articles tt plenty of food in Dawson now.  Mines turning out well.]

War  outside-locale  [MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898.] 
[article on Must we Fight Cuba.]  [cp]

Tot-MP condit-progress MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898 
Myrtle Point will make more improvements this summer than for many years
past.  +

Srh  Tot-Prosper Alaska-mining  excursion? MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898 
The new Klondike schooner at Prosper will be launched in a few days.  There
is talk of running a free excursion to accomodate those desiring to witness the
launching.  [M. It is a vessel being built for Klondike trade, rather than name

Photo  misc  MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898 
[ad:] Latest Society Fad.  Enameled photo buttons.  [mail order]  [more] +

Joaquin-Miller  Tot-Marshfield?  Name the-arts  MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898
Marshfield Mail.  Maud Miller, who is visiting her uncle, Charles Hillborn,
and wife in Marshfield, is a daughter of Joaquin Miller, the poet, and at one
time attracted attention on the American stage as an actress, which profession
she followed for a number of years.  Miss Miller will probably make
Marshfield her permanent home.  + 
Crime  RR Gage  MPE A 67 Mar 26, 1898
Marshfield Mail.  F. M. Simpson was brought back from the city on the last
Arcata by Sheriff Gage, and his examination on the charges against him was
held before Justice Hyde in the Recorders office [no apostrophe].  The
examination was quite a lengthy one and lasted from 2 o'clock Wednesday
until 3 o'clock Thursday.  Judge Hyde held Simpson to answer before the
grand jury [not in caps], on a charge of grand larceny by embezzlement, bonds
fixed at $1200.  Not being able to furnish bonds he was lodged in the county
jail.  +  [cp]

Bay-City mill  [MPE A 67  Jar 26, 1898.] 
Coos Bay News.  The Bay City mill started up full time Monday morning.  + 

RR-depot  health  [MPE A 67  Mar 26, 1898.]  Superintendent Fred McLain
[M. of rr depot] is rapidly recovering from a severe attack of illness.   +  [cp] 

Locale?  Health-Vital-stat  Srh  Interest  character? MPE A 68  Mar 26, 1898
Sylvester C. Shields and Zona Everdon [as typed] of Middle Fork, having
plighted their vows to journey down life's stream together, and the betrothal
having met with serious objections of same's parents, arrived at this place a
few days since and via handcar [sic, one word] and steamboat reached
Bandon, where accompanied by a minister, Rev Rice, they boarded a tug,
crossed over the bar and were soon tossing about on the rolling deeps.  At
length when all was ready for the tying of the silken knot that was to make
happy lovesick sols, the officiating clergyman became very much
"indisposed" and was compelled to turn the job over to Capt. Snyder, who it is
said, officiated with becoming dignity and reverence.  The happy couple
returned to this place today and proceded [as typed] on their homeward
journey rejoicing.  +  [red check mark]

Alaska mining  Tot-MP-names  outside-Tot  MPE A 68 Mar 26, 1898
John and Vern Fetter, Sam Currier, Will Lundy, all on the trail headed for
Dawson  not q 

Health  school  MPE A 68 Mar 26, 1898 
 [similar, but not identical, to article on A64]  Dr. J. W. Strange arr home fm
SF this morning.  Took thorough course instruction in dental dept. of U. of
Calif. And the dental dept in College of Physicians and Surgeons and
thoroughly mastered the latest and best systems of crown and bridge work
under operators whose reputation known in Europe and America.  --
Plaindealer.  [M. note.  The Roseburg Dr. Strange?]

Holiday  dairy  item  Tot-MP   MPE A 68 Mar 26, 1898 
Easter Egg dyes at the Perkins Pharmacy.  Not q

anti-disaster  Srh  outside-Tot MPE A 68 Mar 26, 1898 
The schnr recently reported bottom up off Tillamook was not Del Norte, she
arr all right.  Also reported tt Bessie K not lost; it reached Alaska.

Kangaroo-man  Chinese  racism  other-mining  misc-word-McGinty Interest 
MPE A 68  Mar 26, 1898
Bald Hill.  March 24, 1898.  A party of hardy, intrepid mountaineers will, next
summer, go on a "Kangaroo man" hunt in the Sixes country.  The thing is said
to be terrible in aspect.  A prospector on Salmon creek who once saw it near
the sluice box at which he was working, ran at breakneck speed for several
hundred rods to some neighboring miners who were obliged to hold him by
main force until he had recovered from the frenzy of fear that possessed him. 
He described it as standing erect and six feet high, on its large, flat hind feet,
its front legs being shorter and dangling at the side, Kangaroo fashion, and as
covered with such a lot of oxidized hair that he believed it had devoured his
lost white mule.  On another occasion the thing made a descent by a
tremendous leap of 60 feet from the near hillside, on a camp of 80 Chinese
placer miners at Johnson creek.  Celestials having a hereditary fear of the
devil, they ran as if he or she were right at their heels, though it didn't chew up
any of them.  It did succeed in snapping off the pigtail of the last fleeing
heathen.  Each of the hunters will carry, beside a rifle and hunting knife a
Dutch mouth organ.  When the thing is sighted by one of them, an attempt
will first be made to charm it by emitting from the little instrument the soul-
melting harmonies of "McGinty," [next quote missing] Dume Siese," or
"Molly and Pup," and if music will not make it smile, a bullet will certainly
make it whistle.  The object of the artful musical dodge is to endeavor to
capture the thing alive, as a lively kangaroo man [not cap] will sell at a far
greater price than a kangaroo man cadaver [not cap].  It is believed to be the
identical "Skookum iktur" [as typed] that has heretofore frightened hunters in
the mountains near the North Umpqua, in the Eastern part of Douglas county. 
Here is a great snap for an Eastern scientific sharp.  +

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