historical Newspapers of Coos County
Marshfield Sun    Marshfield (Coos Bay), Or.    chronological, with keywords

FEB 12 - DEC 31, 1891  Sun     1892   1897   1901    1903-4   1906    to newspaper menu

Fruit  misc-saying  climate 
Marshfield Sun 1 Thur Feb. 12, 1891.
[Head:]  Oregon Fruit.  Expressions of Eastern men who have sampled it. 
     During a recent visit to eastern states Mr. Edward Holman of Portland improved his spare
moments in enlightening the people with whom he came in contact, regarding Oregon’s
resources and advantages.  Skip    Luscious fruits in particular.  And to convince them of the
truth of his statement, on return home shipped boxes of fruit to a number who had expressed
surprise at his statements.  From letter acknowledging the receipt of the fruit, the following
excerpts are made:
    M. C. Williams, of Minneapolis, Minn, says: “I received two boxes of apples and one of
pears, and I must say that we are not in the fruit race at all.  Such apples and pears we cannot
raise. Many thanks for the fruit.”
    B.F. (?) Kirk, Germantown, Penn: “As I seldom receive any boxes except those containing
hardware, I was very suspicious of this box, fearing it might contain an infernal machine.  So
I opened it with as much care as a bad nephew evinces when opening his departed uncle’s
will.  And I was very much and agreeably surprised to discover the contents, beautiful in its
prepared condition, embalmed by the sunlight of Oregon’s climate, and tenderly forwarded by
you.”  [others as well.]

Other coal  Sun 1 Feb 12, 1891  An excellent vein of bituminous coal has been found close to
tide-water on the Siuslaw River.  The vein is well defined and the results of investigation in
opening the ledge a short distance prove that the quality and quantity of the coal is
correspondingly better as greater depth is reached.

Other RR  misc-exhibits  misc immigration   Sun 1 Feb 12, 1891
   The three vestibuled coaches containing the California exhibit on wheels, sent East by the
Board of Trade of that State, is in Roseburg to-day.  This is the second tour of this exhibit and
since it left San Jose, on its present tour, in December, 1889, has traveled 13,624 miles,
stopping at all of the principle [M. is this in print?] cities East and South and has been visited
by over a million and a half of people.  It will be the means of bringing thousands of desirable
settlers to that state within the next year.

Pop-stat   Lhc Sun 1 Feb 12, 1891  Population of Oregon by counties.  Coos County, 8,836
persons.  Multnomah already had over 75,000. [exact amount illegible.]

name Leigh Harnett  fruit   climate  Sun1 Feb 12, 1891
Coos County’s Attractions.  Mr. Leigh Harnett, special correspondent of the Oregonian, in a
letter to that paper dated February first says:
   What do you think of the following in the way of native productions?  Mr. Chandler, of
Coos River, on Christmas day brought in to Marshfield a ripe strawberry 3 ½ inches in
circumferance, as sweet and delicious in flavor as if picked in June.  On the same day he
gathered a large mess of the yellow raspberries for his family dinner.  Blackberries,
blueberries, and cranberries were as common as fleas in Egypt.  Coquille Valley boasts of
new potatoes for Christmas dinner every year in succession.  I could mention a lot of things,
but I do not want to make people discontented.

Climate utility-indir   misc-saying "knocked into pie"
Sun 1, Feb 12, 1891
Climate.  All over England/Europe, as far down as Danube, we have read 100’s persons being
frozen to death, now the thaw comes and sweeps away homes/cattle of survivors.  Such
climatic severities have not been known for 30 years here, all through Coos County the season
has been like spring  succesion soft, warm rains/genial sunshine.  Enough of each to let the
farmers plow and give   abundance of new grass for the stock.  In fact, not a single rough or
cold day since winter commenced, and we are now in February.  The Atlantic states have
suffered/ badly as Europe.  Along the Seaboard severe damage/losses; in interior houses
blown down, rr trestles lifted up and carried away by wind, and whole

Marshfield Sun 2, 2/12/91 cont
 system of telegraphy knocked into pie.  On the Pacific all has been peace and freedom from
climactic casualties.  In this particular section men have worked right along out of doors in
their shirtsleeves.  Talk of climate.  What a country can beat Oregon?   [M. this was typed
with paragraph separations as though separate items, but sounds to me as if whole thing
continues Leigh Harnett notes.]

RR subsidy  name   mill-indir    Sun 2 Feb 12,1891 
Head: Objects to Paying Now.  The officers of the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern Railroad,
having requested the people of Myrtle Point and vicinity, who obligated themselves to raise a
certain sum to be used in paying for the right-of-way for the road to that point, to pay up, the
West Oregonian enters the following protest against doing so at this time:
   Mr. Ed. Bender, J.W. Wimer, and others received a letter this week from J.W. Bennett, Esq. 
of Marshfield that, “money was needed very much at this time for the right-of-way purpose,”
and he would like to know what steps were being taken in the matter.  It seems strange to our
leading businessmen, as it was distinctly understood when subscription to pay the right-of-
way was raised, that the money subscribed here was to be used to secure the right-of-way
from Morras’ Mill to this place, besides it was very distinctly understood that those who
subscribed would be called upon for money only as it was needed to pay the said right-of-
way.  Now, in the first place the railroad company have neglected to even survey the road to
Myrtle Point and locate the survey stakes, which lessens to confidence of the people, hence
the community have failed to subscribe to the right-of-way fund, and thus the leading citizens
who have guaranteed $1500 for the purpose of purchasing the right-of-way for the road, are
left in the lurch, and are continually being urged to send the money over to Marshfield. We
understand that there has not been one dollar to pay for the right-of-way as far as the ground
has been broken, and why the money has been asked for so urgently is beyond the
understanding of those who have subscribed so liberally.”
    “The people of this vicinity have done all in their power in good faith to [tear in print;
probably says] encourage the construction of the railroad and have always insisted that the
company [tear; can’t read] have averred that the company was humbugging the people.  It is
not more than fair that the survey should be completed to Myrtle Point and the ground for the
depot selected so that confidence may be reestablished, that the amount of funds could be
raised and fall equally upon the shoulders of all, [can’t read] time for completing the road
would be extended, no doubt, and the bonus and right-of-way money paid according to

Other coal  Tot  Sun 2 Feb 12, 1891
The force at the Glasgow coal mine has been increased, and work  is being prospected day
and night.   / Mr. Moss, of the Glasgow Town Site and Co., returned from Portland, last week
where he had been on business connected with the company.

Logging  climate  conditions
Sun 2 Feb 12, 1891 
    The loggers are happy.  The copious rainfalls of this week raised the waters in the rivers
sufficiently to bring many of their logs out.   /     In consequence of a scarcity of rains last fall,
green feed is very short for this season of the year, and as a result many cattle in this county
are in very poor condition.

Lhc  R.E. Sun 2 Feb 12, 1891 
An exchange says: One of our real estate dealers recently received a letter from a man in Ohio
requesting that he write them a “fool“ account of the business possibilities of this country.  He
should refer to the letter of Leigh Harnett, special correspondent of the Oregonian.

Marshfield Sun 3    [was in  "loose"]

Road  condit  signs of times    Sun 3 Feb 12,1891 
The Coos Bay wagon road is infested with a steady stream of tramps traveling both ways. 
They travel in gangs of two to eight and ten and have become a great burden to people who
have been called upon to feed them free of charge, as not one in ten have a cent with which to
pay for their entertainment.

Condit   Tot  Sun 3  Feb 12, 1891
Property is looking up in East Marshfield.  Mr. Murphy sold a lot there, a few days since, for
Tot-MP  Transport  Sun 3 Feb 12, 1891   The citizens of Myrtle Point have petitioned Wells,
Fargo and Co. to open an express office at that place.

Fruit pests  Sun 3  Feb 12, 1891  Infected fruit trees  A large [M. something left out?] of fruit
trees, infected with wooly aphis, were shipped into this county lately by a nurseryman…  and
disposed of to people in this vicinity and along the Coquille.  Unless heroic measures are
adopted to destroy the parasite, most resolve in a few years the complete destruction of every
apple orchard in the county.  Persons who have purchased trees from California nurseries
should examine them closely, and when found to be infected should at once scrape the spots
where the insect has secured hold, and then thoroughly wash the tree with a solution
composed of one pound of American or Babbit’s concentrated lye dissolved in 2 ½ gallons of
water..  Apply with a brush and see that every crack and crevice has been penetrated by the
wash, as these are the places selected by the insect to deposit its eggs.  The solution when
repeatedly applied during the fall and winter months has proven efficacious in cases where
trees were only slightly infected.  But when the parasite once secured a good foothold it is
useless to waste time except by destroying them root and branch.
   Since above put in type, we have been shown an apple grown in the corporate limits of this
city, which was literally covered with the black scale, another fruit pest which is very
destructive to apples.  Unless stringent laws are soon passed and rigidly enforced requiring the
destruction of these pests, it will be but a short time until our boast of fine apples will be a
thing of the past.

RR subsidy  names   Sun 3 Feb 12, 1891
Head:  Railroad Meeting.)  The Coquille Herald of the 24th says: “A meeting of citizens was
held at the Universalist
Church to consult and act upon the questions of the railroad subsidy and county-seat removal. 
A.W. McArthur was chosen president and J.S. McEwen secretary.
   “Judge Nosler, R.E. Bush [hard to read], W.H. Nosler, J.B. Fox, Charlie Wilkens, and
others were heard from on the question, and a motion was at length formulated and carried,
that a committee be appointed to visit Marshfield, inspect the roadbed and see if the company
has fulfilled their part of the contract, and also to examine the conditions of the subsidy
subscriptions.  The following were appointed as the committee:  Amos Nosler, R.D. Sanford,
and Allen Collier.
   “Another resolution, that Bandon is identified with us in the subsidy subscriptions, that the
city be notified of the action of this meeting, was carried.
   “On the question of the county-seat removal, after considerable interchange of ideas, Judge
Nosler offered the following column: that we instruct our Senator and Representative to have
the present bill amended, providing for a submission of the selection of a county seat [M. this
time not hyphenated] at general elections instead of special elections, and thus avoid the
expense of the latter.  Carried.

Marshfield Sun 4           [was in outlook] 
  Feb 12, 1891
[cont fm Sun 3]
     "Another motion was passed providing that a meeting be held on the evening of the 7th to
hear the report of the committee."

Mail road misc-word  Sun 4 Feb 12, 1891
Another Through Mail Wanted.  Petition [looks like it says] numerously signed by residents
in this vicinity and along Coos Bay Wagon Road has been forwarded to the Postmaster
General praying for the establishment of a daily mail over the road...  It is to be hoped that the
petition will meet with favorable condition as the service of  the kind asked for will
accomodate a large number of settlers along the proposed route as well a shortening the time
between Roseburg and the bay from twelve to fifteen hours, which is of great moment to the
businessmen here.  [M. 2005:  2nd road must have already been in use, but was longer for bay
side delivery.  It seems to me like the wagon road would have taken longer.]   As we are
informed, the movement is not intended to in any way interfere with the present through route
via Myrtle Point and Coquille City.

Poem Sun 4  Mar 19, 1891
A Hundred Years From Now

The surging sea of human life forever onward rolls,
Bearing to the eternal shore each day its freight of souls,
But though our bark sails bravely on, pale death sits out the prow,
And few shall know we ever lived a hundred years from now.

O, mighty human brotherhood, why fiercely war and strife?  [M was it really strive?]
While this great world has ample room for everything alive.
Broad fields, uncultured and unclaimed, are waiting for the plow
Of progress that should make them bloom a hundred years from now.

Why should we toil so earnestly in life’s short, narrow span,
On golden stairs to climb so high above our brother man.
Why blindly on an earthly shrine our souls in homage bow, --
Our gods will rust, ourselves to dust, a hundred years from now.

Why prize so much the world’s applause?  Why dread so much its blame?
A fleeting echo is a voice of censure or a flame.
The praise that thrills the heart, the scorn that dyes with shame the brow,
Will be a long-forgotten dream a hundred years from now.

Earth’s empires rise and fall, o time, like breakers on the shore;
They rush upon the rock of doom, are seen and heard no more.
The starry wilderness of words that gem night’s radiant vow,
Will light the skies for other eyes a hundred years from now.

RR  Srh  Sun 4 Mar 19, 1891
[Ad in March paper.]  Yaquina Bay route, the Oregon Pacific R.R. and Oregon Development
Company steamers short line to California.  Freight and fare the lowest.

Conditions  tariff  monopoly  Sun 4  March 19, 1891.   
The distress of labor and agriculture in the West is no longer a theory.  It is a condition which
must be met.  It has been brought about by a high protective tariff and other unjust
discriminations in the interest of monopolists.  The problem is worked out, and its sum is ruin
and disaster, visible and open to the day.  The seat of the disease is known, and the remedy is
tariff reform.

Utility-indir  climate? name  Misc  cosmic Sun 4 Mar 19, 1891
Sam [or same?] Col.  Wiggins the weather prophet has changed his tactics.  Finding that the
weather predictions he was making were thoroughly discounted by any average observer of
the winds and clouds, he has gone into the business of demonstrating cyclonic storms in the
vicinity of New York and other large cities.  He positively states that the network of electric
wires are the whole cause, by drawing electricity from the clouds and causing a disturbance in
the equilibrium.

misc-invention  Marshfield Sun 5 March 19, 1891.
Fritz Gross, who livers four miles from Oregon City, claims to have invented a machine that
will run by its own motive power on a railroad track without fuel.  He believes he has
discovered the secret of perpetual motion.

Interest?  Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891
Advice to Bachelors: Don’t put too much sweet stuff on paper.  If you do you will hear it read
in after years when your wife has some special purpose in inflicting upon you the severest
punishment known to a married man.   Don’t wait until the girl has thrown her whole soul into
a yawn that she can’t cover with both hands.  A little thing like that might cause coolness at
the very beginning of the game.  If on the occasion of your first call, the girl upon whom you
have set your young affections, looks like an iceberg and acts like a cold wave, take your
leave early and stay away.  Woman in her hour of freeze is uncertain, coy, and hard to please.

Fruit  Sun 5  March 19 [or 12?], 1891.
Care of the Orchard.  No one should set out a new orchard unless he is sure he can give it
manure and mallow cultivation.  A small one of a few acres bearing yearly rich and beautiful
specimens is better than a neglected one spreading over wide acres.  There will be more profit
in the small and perfect one than in the extended and neglected.  Until planters who have the
means avoid this superficial practice, they will continue to set the unwholesome practice to
others and perpetuate to a great degree the slip-shod style of orcharding.  Skip  When they
come into bearing this large annual draft can be supplied by an annual or at least biennial top-
dressing in the autumn or winter of rich warm manure.

Misc  Sun 5 Mar 19 [or 12?], 1891   The popular idea that all old bones are ground up as
fertilizer is horrendous.,  From the thigh bones of cattle are made knife, parasol, and fan
handles, while smaller bones are boiled and then burned for lampblack.  The matter extracted
by boiling is used to make glue, and the marrow and fat is made into the “bear’s grease” used
in barbershops.  Boneblack is also used by sugar refiners to purify sugar.      [M2001.  Not
sure if this is part of above item.]

Climate  Sun 5 Mar 19 [or 12?], 1891  More weather statistics, not necessarily this area,.   

Fruit  Sun 5  Mar 19 [or 12?] , 1891   Thousands of young fruit trees in Jackson county will
begin bearing this year and the crop in that section promises to be enormous.

CBR  novelty-wood  Sun 5  March 19, 1891.
Ties are being delivered at points along the line of the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern

Other RR Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891  A meeting of the incorporators of the Drain Railroad took
place at Drain on Friday last, for what business was transacted we have been unable to learn. 
Mr. Heald, one of the projectors of the road, will leave at once for New York for the purpose
of disposing of bonds and it is believed that he will have no trouble in placing them on the

Tot  other coal  Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891
All work at Glasgow has been shut down.  The last three men in the employ of the company
were discharged on Tuesday last.   

Tot  utility  Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891       Marshfield is rapidly assuming the dignity of a
metropolis.  The latest acquisition is a fine patrol wagon which was brought into the
requisition for the first time last Sunday night…   

Health  Tot  Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891
    Purify the blood with DeWitt’s Sarsparilla, which never fails to produce the best results. 
Sold by J.W. Cox and son at the Popular Drug Store.

Other coal conditions  Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891
In consequence of oversupply, the coal miners of Newport only worked 8 days last month,
and they are now idle again from the same cause.

CBR Sun 5 Mar 19, 1891 
Roseburg Review of last week says work will be commenced on the Eastern end of the Coos
Bay, Roseburg and Eastern Railroad within 60 days.

Marshfield Sun, 6

Srh  other coal  OCN  Sun6  [prob Mar 19, 1891.]
Captain Donaldson of stmr Arago on last trip stated to our merchants that as now divided up
the freight business did not pay his company to bother with it.  Unless they could secure all of
the trade would decline to do any carrying except for themselves.  This means, we suppose,
that Emily must be shut out, and the people of the bay left to the tender mercies of the Coal
and Navigation Company, as heretofore. [Meaning there can't be a whole lot of ships calling
for freight.]  [M2001. If OCN gets monopoly then do they not serve public well?]

Tot  school   Sun 6 [prob Mar 19, 1891]
Our Fairview correspondent stated last week on what was deemed dead authority that several
pupils of the Coquille Academy, among them Miss Cora Harmon, had quit that institution
because the teachers wore unable to give proper attention in consequence of the large
attendance.  A note from L.L. Harmon says that they did not quit for the reason assigned, but
fails to enlighten us as to the cause.

Tot  Road  Sun 6 [prob Mar 19, 1891] 
Dora Items. The Coos Bay Wagon Road is in good condition considering the time of the year.

CBR  other RR   climate   conditions?
Sun 6  March 19, 1891.
[Head:]  The Coos Bay Railroad.  sub-Head.  Is it controlled by the Atcheson, Topeka, and
Santa Fe road? 
   The Oregonian on a recent date contained the following regarding the Coos Bay, Roseburg,
and Eastern Railroad.
   "There is a great deal of speculation going on as to who is back of the Coos Bay, Roseburg,
Eastern scheme.  The people in the Coos Bay country do not know who is building the road
that it is going to open up their region, and the inhabitants about Roseburg are equally in the
dark; yet some one with plenty of money is surely back of it, as the work is going along in
first class shape, twenty-five miles of road eastward from Empire City being already graded. 
Even the men working on the line do not know to a certainty who is furnishing the capital. 
The general belief is that Jim Hill has something to do with the scheme, and the belief may be
correct, Hill is not a man who builds roads for other people.  The fact of the matter is, the road
belongs to the Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Company, which is taking this stealthy
method of getting a Pacific Coast outlet for line.  From Roseburg the road will [M. in print? or
did I leave out something?] in a southeastern direction, passing between Crater and Klamath
lakes and will eventually proceed to Salt Lake City."  Whether the statements contained in the
above extract are true regarding the ownership or financial backing of the road, we confess we
do not know, nor does it make any particular difference to us so long as those managing its
affairs push construction as they now are and have been doing ever since the work was
commenced.  Where it is to go from Roseburg concerns us but little. We want to see it
finished to that point first, and when that is accomplished it will be time enough to speculate
as to the next point to be reached.  If the Oregonian's informant is no better [can't read]
regarding who is backing the enterprise than he seems to be about the amount of grading
already finished and where it commences, his knowledge is very limited.  He says "twenty-
five miles of the road eastward from Empire city is already graded.  The road starts from this
city, and not from Empire, and only ten miles have been graded, instead of twenty-five as he
asserts.  But since the weather has settled the work of construction is being pushed as fast as
men and means can do it.  There is now between five and six hundred men at work on the
roadbed, and more will be put on as fast as men can be secured.  It will be but a short time
mm now before the whistle of the locomotive will be heard at Marshfield, and in less than
four months trains will be running as far as Myrtle Point, at least. The company, so far as we
can see, is living up to every promise made by it to the people, and the people ought to
reciprocate by paying up the subsidy promptly, and thus encourage  [continued]   +

Sun 7  Mar 19, 1891.  [continued]
the company in well doing.

Fruit Sun 7 Mar 19, 1891  Those who expect sound fruit should begin now to wage the war on
the pests in their orchards.  The trees should be thoroughly pruned and the dead brush cut
away.  No orchardist can afford to neglect heroic treatment on his trees as if he does, it is a
question of but a few years when his orchard will be utterly destroyed.  Attend to it at once. 
Delay means death to every tree infected.


Tot  condit   Sun 7 Nov 26, 1891.
Let Marshfield’s citizens get in and vote for a town hall and then we will be letting go of the
characteristics of a back-woods town and an air of civilization will fill the vacancy.

Condit   Hard times  Sun  7 Nov 26, 1891
Intelligent people who have been up north unite in saying that people on Coos Bay do not
know anything about hard times.  The kickers should go up on Puget Sound and take a look
around if they wish to come home satisfied.  [prob. a quote from the Mail.]  …Business is
depressed everywhere.  The good times coming promised by the Congress did not materialize
and wages are less all along the line than they were a year ago.  Coos County is not an

Tot  [Lhc]  Sun 7 Nov 26, 1891 
Marshfield, the largest town in Coos County by odds is lacking of enterprise that is seen in
many of the smaller towns of the county.  Her location and the volume of business on the bay
has built her up in spite of want of energy, but the time has come when she must do or die;
other places will come forward and claim the supremacy; Coquille City and Bandon have
waterworks, while Marshfield has none.  And school buildings in Coquille City and Myrtle
Point are far ahead of this place.  The farmer has an academy and is discarding a public school
building full as good or better than Marshfield's.  Today Marshfield has not a decent school
building, town hall, or waterworks, and only two or three decent streets. 

CBR climate Srh racism?  Names?  Sun 7 Nov 26, 1891 
Railroad Items.
  Track laying goes on favorably now that we have a spell of fine weather.  End of track is
now at the Pogue place.  Several cuts along the line produce fine surfacing material, notably
at Sheridan’s Landing near Caledonia.
    Two new flats were turned out this week from the Co.’s car shops.  A fine caboose will
shortly be built for active use on the road.  Slack coal, for ballasting purposes, comes along
rather slowly at present, but will soon be on the increase.  [M. presume this means “rip-rap”
on the track, rather than ballast on trains.]
  The China gangs are at work in the cuts loading flats.  The rock lately dumped at several
places along the line that were subject to the swells of passing steamers and high tides is a
great benefit and is there to stay.
   No. 1 is just a-longing to turn herself loose and make a run.  Al says he will let her go at the
first opportunity, as twenty miles an hour is too slow.
   The trestle near the wharf is now planked over, which is a great convenience to the
brakemen using the switch.

Srh  Sun 7 Nov 26, 1891   Arago [boat] Langhorn master

Tot climate  Sun 7 Nov 26, 1891  Gardiner Items.  It rains.     

fruit  name  misc-saying  Sun 7  Nov 26, 1891 
We have been shown some fine specimens of fruits from the orchard of Mr. J. Davis on Coos
river.  There were several varieties of elegant apples such as have made the Coos River apples
famous in the markets of the country; a pear weighing several pounds, and last but not least,
some persimmons that would make a Tennessean or North Carolinian  [continued]

Sun 8    Nov 26, 1891 [cont]
turn green with envy.  They weighed a quarter of a pound each and were the finest specimens
we have ever seen.  Mr. Davis is one of our enterprising and successful orchardists and his
fruits always command the highest market price.


Srh farming  Sun 8 Thur Dec 24, 1891.
It is to be hoped that the Coquille farmers will be able to supply ample freight now that they
will at once have a magnificent steamer. They have needed a steamer lo!  these many years
and now that they have one it behooves them to give it a liberal support or it will have to seek
trade elsewhere.

Road  climate  RR  names  Sun 8 Dec 24, 1891
From the Coquille Herald. The road between Coos Bay and this city is impossible for
conveyance and almost as a trail owing to landslides and fallen trees.  The railroad grade
caused much of it and Commissioner Goodman and the road supervisors on the route are
devising ways and means to open it up again and put it in repair.

Tot Lhc  Sun 8 Dec 24, 1891
A fruit cannery for Coquille City is about an assured fact, also a sash and door factory.  Thus
our neighbors are paving the ways to prosperity.  The Coquille is naturally a dairy and fruit
country and success of the creamery, doubly fruit and vegetable cannery is and a assured in
advance.  [misprint,]

Fruit names  Sun 8 Dec 24, 1891 
An ad for fruit trees.  A selection of leading varieties adapted to this part of the country; some
new varieties fuloly tested on my place and also “the Coos River Beauty” apple, a seedling
raised by Robert Rooke on Coos River.  All trees true to name or money refunded.  Send in
your order soon.,  Anton Wirth, Melicoma Post Office,  Marshfield, Or.  [Melicoma spelled
this way here.]

CBR  misc-saying  Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891
Another lot of rails for the Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad are expected soon.  /
   Monday was payday at the Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad office and the boys got in line and
marched the lock step in the most approving manner.
RR  climate  Srh? Locale    Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891
Railroad Items.
The past week has been very wet and stormy, consequently not much construction going on. 
Surfacing and ballasting up at every favorable opportunity.
   The construction train is quite a boon to residents along the Slough now that all modes of
travel are cut off, and then they have to go catch her on the fly.
   Work on the Dunham bridge will be commenced this week.  Several flats of timbers are
gone up to the front.

 Srh   Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891  . Mr. Reed, formerly first officer Arago, came up on Arcata
holding tt position.  Informs us tt investigation of cause of late accident happening the Arago,
Capt. Donaldson exonerated all blame.  Capt Donaldson is able navigator and has many
friends here who will be more than pleased on learning the results of his investigation.  NFQ

Novelty-brick    Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891   Brickmaker at Marshfield.
RR phy  mill  Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891    The old walk out past the mill leading up to the rr depot
is in horrible condition, and eyesore to tt part of town. 

Utility  bridge  Tot     Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891
Work was commenced on the light plant  --clearing a site at end of bridge leading to West

Fruit  conditions  outside RR   govt? Sun 8  Dec 24, 1891
It is said that a train of freight cars could be loaded with splendid apples in the neighborhood
of Kerby, and thereabouts, but these cannot be gotten to market owing to distance from
railway and low prices obtained by producers.  The consumers in San Francisco and Portland
have to pay enough, but there is a mysterious go between which absorbs all the [continued]

Sun 9  Dec 24, 1891 [cont] profit there is in it.  This middle-man, parasite, does more injury
than all the Codlin moths and wooly aphis put together could  do.  These fine apples, red, rosy
and big, without a sign of Codlin moth or any other disease, will have to rot on the premises
in which they grew.  In the meantime, the people of Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, St.
Louis, New York cannot afford to eat apples owing to their scarcity. Fm the Rogue River
Courier.  [Sun adds:]
   The trouble is, the railroad company wants to make it all.  What’s the matter with the
government owning and operating the railroads.

Srh condit   progress  town-rivalry  misc-saying
Sun 9  Dec 24, 1891.  A glimpse at North Bend last week, with four sailing vessels, five steam
tugs, and the little ocean steamer General Wright, laying alongside of the wharf, with the
sawmill and everyone busy, could make some of her rival towns green with envy to think of
the life and business here.   +

Road locale  Sun 9  Dec. 31, 1891.
The stage line from Empire to Randolph, which is the best communication with Coquille
River in the wintertime, is having a good run.

Srh misc-saying  Sun 9  Dec 31, 1891.
“Hog’s back” or bar at point where Coos River channel enters bay, necessitating a dredger,
were of recent date only or the same that produced it in the first place would not bring it back
again if perchance it should disappear for a short time, we should not be so persistent in
demanding the dredger to remove this great obstacle to Marshfield’s progress.  The damage to
the town is more in the fanciful than the real, and loss greater than most people imagine. 
This, too, at a time when it can illy afforded, for Marshfield ought to be getting herself more
thoroughly established.  She is to have a strong rival on the lower bay ere long and the better
she is established the more sure of success she will be when the struggle comes.  [M. copied
as in original notes, but no mention made there of as in print errors.]

crop  needed  conditions Sun 9 Dec. 31, 1891.
A starch factory is one of the necessities of Coos County for which no reasonable excuse can
be given for longer delay in its inauguration.  A number of persons can be found who
formulate an excuse why many of the mooted enterprises won’t do as yet  in this county, but
we believe this one will stump the best of them.  The only question is, Can we raise spuds? 
An affirmative answer settles the question.  The product has been tested and found to be
especially starchy.  This Coast imports large quantities of starch, and that from the East where
40 to 50 cents per bushel is paid for potatoes, but by the time we get the product we pay very
dearly for it. We ought to export instead.  +

Fruit needed  incentive  Sun 9 Dec 31, 1891
What will Marshfield give as a bonus to have a fruit cannery, or other enterprise started this
place, such things need encouragement and unless that is forthcoming the chances are that
long waiting will have to be put up with.  +

Health Sun 9 Dec 31, 1891  MP typhoid epidemic is letting go.  

Court  Sun 9 Dec 31, 1891  Court Recorder Cussans, of Empire.
CBR Sun 9 Dec 31, 1891
We were shown the proofs of bonds for the Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad, Monday. They are
being printed by the New
York Bank Note company and are a work of art.  +

RR phy  Srh  locale Sun 9 Dec 31, 1891
The locomotive pulled the Montesano off the flat at the draw bridge of the C.B.R. & E
railroad, where the wind blew her while waiting for the draw, on Monday.  [M. or may say
draft instead of draw.]   +  /
    A hand-car arrived on the Steamer Emily for J.F. Dunham  [continued]

Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891 [cont]
of Isthmus Slough. It is very light and durable, and easily propelled by one person.  No doubt
J.F. has a good use for it.  James, the milkman, says it’s a dandy, the very thing he needs – in
fact, must have it.  + 

utility  Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891   They’re working on building for electric plant. 

Srh Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891    Stmr Yarrow is one of the fastest boats.  On rte between
Marshfield and Empire.  

Fruit  Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891  [Ad for fruit trees still in.]

CBR  Srh mill    Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891
Bonds issued on the Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad amount to $25,000 per mile on an hundred
miles.  We are informed that the bonds are about being taken up by an English financial house
and that as soon as favorable weather can be secured railroad construction will be rushed. 
With  [$25,000,000?  Tapes say with two and a half millions] to handle, the railroad will
boom things.
   Secretary Baines, of the Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad returned on the last trip of the Emily
from San Francisco and San Diego.  He reports the work on the lower California railroad as
progressing rapidly, also, that he purchased 300 tons of steel rails for the Coos Bay road, and
that they will be shipped from San Diego on the schooner Sadie, which is now enroute for that
port from the Gardiner mill and on her return will bring the rails to this place.  +

RR  Srh  lumber  ties  Sun 10 Dec 31, 1891
Railroad Items.
   Whenever the weather will allow the gang turns out with No. 1 and work on surfacing up.   
   The exceptionally high tide of Tuesday kept the boys hopping around after spare ties which
broke loose from a pile near the draw bridge.    /
   The Montesano struck one of the caps at the end of the draw Monday while towing a scow
load of lumber up Coal Bank Slough.  It caused a short delay in the closing of the bridge
while the bridge men fixed it.   [M. 2004. Not sure whether these are all railroad items, or
separate entries].

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