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Coast Mail.      Marshfield (Coos Bay), OR.

MAY - JUNE 1979

Srh    prices conditions Mail-1  May 17, 1879 
The loss of the  Great Republic [shipwreck] appears to have broken the
opposition on the route between Portland and San Francisco.  Last week
freights and fare were raised to the following rates, which were adopted by
both companies.  From Portland to San Francisco – cabin, $20; steerage $10;
from San Francisco to Portland – first cabin, $20; second cabin $15; steerage,
$10.  Grain of every description, and flour, $2.50 per ton.  Wool, $15 per ton;
general merchandize of every description, $4 per ton;’ salmon, from Portland
and Astoria, $3 per ton; from points along the river where the steamer has to
touch, $4.  +  [cp]

Srh  Tot  Mail-1  May 17, 1879   Coos City wharf [M. evid.  was a town there
that early.]

Tot     Mail-1  May 17, 1879     [ lists the town of Parkersburg. ]

Tot  4th-July prices  Mail-1  May 17, 1879
The citizens of Empire City are to make a celebration on the Fourth of July
and have subscribed three hundred dollars therefore [sic.]  + 

Tot-MP 4th-July    Mail-1  May 17, 1879         July 4 celebration at M.P.

ITRR   Mail-1 May 17, 1879 
The rolling stock now in use on the Isthmus Transit R.R. consists of a hand-
car, but it has a large platform with comfortable seats and room for freight.  +  

Joaquin-Miller   Mail- May 24, 1879.
[brief article abt Joaquin Miller; complaint about how press treated his
daughter, Maud.] 

Srh  condit?   Mail-1 May 24, 1879
    Commercial statistics.  There is no port of entry on the Coquille River but
there are imports of every kind of merchandize amounting to 7000 tons during
the last fiscal year.  + 

Other-mining  other-coal-indir   locale  names  Mail-1  May 24, 1879
Gone to the Mines. Wm. Thomas and son, Ben, Morgan, J. Madden and D.
Hutchinson, left Southport for the Sixes mines on Wednesday.  Some of the
party have claims already located in the mining district, and others go to look
at the mines with a view to locating.

Srh    Mail-1 May 24, 1879  Stmr Arcata 

Other-mining  Srh  locale   Mail-1  May 24, 1879   [Fairly long article on]
Sixes Gold Mines.

Srh  Coq-R  Mail-1  May 24, 1879  [article on] Coq. R. improvements.

Coos-Bay-area prices  food?  Mail-1 May 24, 1879   Prices for commodities
on C.B. retail market.

RR-hopes   Binger Hermann  names  condit-prosperity  Mail-1 May 24, 1879
Railroad Meeting. They had an enthusiastic railroad meeting in Roseburg, on
Wednesday of last week, of which the Western Star [in italics] gives the
following account:  +
   Judge Watson chosen chairman; lists others there.  Binger Hermann and
S.H. Hazard were there.  Nq
   Each speaker illustrated in a forcible manner the entire feasibility of the
proposed road to Coos Bay, and endeavored to impress upon the minds of
their hearers the many benefits to be derived from its construction.  Much
interest and enthusiasm was manifested in the meeting; and the assurance was
given that the road would meet with the assistance and hearty co-operation of
nearly every businessman and farmer in the county.  The meeting was held for
the purpose of ascertaining the sentiments of the people regarding the great
enterprise, and the result was even more satisfactory than had been
anticipated, at the first opening of the stock books ten thousand dollars having
been subscribed.  The future prospect for this road and the assured prosperity
of entire southern Oregon is growing brighter with each day.  The stock books
are now open at the office of the secretary, KR. Newcomb, and we hope to be
able to note the sale of a large amount of stock by our next issue.  +

U.R.  Capt Harris  agric   Mail-2  May 25, 1879
Captain Harris has 14 acres sown in peas on s. fork of Coq besides usual crops
of farmers in tt section.  Crops look well and farm shows evidence of being
well cultivated.

Ads  paper    Mail-2  May 24, 1879
[These issues just as full of blocked out ads as later editions.  (rather than the
items in with the personals favored by early Herald issues.)]

road     Mail-2  May 31, 1897.     [Article abt] wagon roads.

Poetry  paper-attitude?  Interest?  Condit-prosperity  Mail-2 May 31, 1897
Home Industry …We are willing to wager that Coos county produces more
poetry (so called) in proportion to its area of tillable land than any other
county in Oregon.  SKIP    The county maintains a large business in the
production and export of coal, lumber and other articles too numerous to
mention, but if a paying foreign demand could be created for the poetry that
this region is capable of producing, it would soon eclipse all other exports,
and the county would become the richest in the state. It should be the aim of
all who are interested in this branch of manufacture, to bring the subject to the
notice of communities abroad where there is a scarcity of this class of goods
in order that their labor may contribute to their material prosperity.  +

Entertain   music  character-charity  Tot   misc-word-typo;programme name-
Lane  Mail-2 May 31, 1879.
DRAMATIC – As announced, the Empire City Amature [sic] Dramatic
Society, gave an entertainment, last Wednesday evening, to a crowded house. 
The Satellite [italics] made an extra trip, bringing quite a number from the
upper Bay and Coos river and returned after the performance.  We hear it
generally spoken of as a success.  After the programme of the evening was
concluded, a loud and clamorous call was made for L.F. Lane who reluctantly
appeared, and amused the audience for a short time, concluding by taking up a
collection (about $14) which he donated to the boy Arthur A. Nelson, for
whose benefit the entertainment had been given.  Music being furnished by
Messrs. Harpham and Stauff, a social dance concluded the affair.  The amount
taken in at the door was $110.  The net proceeds of which will be used to send
the boy above named, back to his mother in “New Zealand.  [this is all sic,
even the ‘partial’ sentence.]

Srh  Coq-R   Rackleff    Mail-2 May 31, 1879
Rackliff’s [print] steamer, Little Annie, makes regular trips with freight and
passengers, on the Coquille River between Myrtle Point and Bandon.  She
comes down Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and up Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays.  +

RR-hopes   Hermann  Mail-2 May 31, 1879
Opinions of Practicable Railroad Men.  Hon. B. Hermann has been accused of
attempting to deceive the people with regard to the cost of construction of a
narrow-gauge railroad between Roseburg and Coos Bay, but he has good
authority for the estimates which he submitted.   +
    [stat abt engine needed, rails, cost, stat per mile, etc, see further if needed] 

ITRR   Mail-2, 3  June 7, 1879 
Complaints having been made to us, about the unsatisfactory manner in which
the I.T.R.R. has been managed by the present conductor, etc., we felt it our
duty to maintain the interests of the public, and mentioned the fact in our last
issue that the road was badly handled, and no effort made to accommodate the
traveling public, to which, the manager of the concern – Mr. - Mr. – we’ve
forgotten his name – made decided objection, and remonstrated by sending a
letter to the Coast Mail, saying, that as heretofore our Coquille mail had
passed over the road free of charge, he would be compelled in the future to
extract from us a modest sum of two dollars and fifty cents per month, and if
we did not wish to take advantage of these very generous terms, to be so kind
as to drop him a line to that effect!  Well, Mr. – what’s your name – we have
never before received such a liberal offer:  while we feel grateful for the deep
interest which you manifest for our welfare, and the generous impulse which
actuated you in your efforts to have our subscribers receive their papers
promptly, we have no doubt that the ring of a two-and-a-half piece would
strike melodiously upon your ear, yet at the same time, if we credit the
statements of our people in that vicinity, we should think that a “four-year-
old” club would be more to the point.   +    [Newspapers of that day offered
clubbing offers when they sold more than one paper together at special rates. 
Does it mean Springer takes “4 years” to deliver?  Or he’s being childish? Or?
]   [cp??]

4th july   Tot  Mail-3 June 7, 1879
List of celebration Empire City 4th of July; several items.  [must be “to be
held” rather than “already held.”]

School    locale?  Name  Mail-4  June 14, 1879
 Mr. C.F. McCormac will open a writing school at this place, next Wednesday
evening.  The term will consist of twelve lessons, and tuition is $1.50 for the
term.  Mr. McCormac is an excellent penman, as well as a good instructor in
the art; and although a young man, he has had much experience in that line of
business.  +

Joaquin-Miller    Mail-4  June 14, 1879  [Brief article on] Joaquin Miller.
4th-July Tot   Mail-4  June 14, 1879      Norway 4th of July. 

Parker Tot-indir     Srh   Mail -4 June 14, 1879  [Brief entry abt] Capt Parker
[salvaging a ship]

School   Tot  Mail-4 June 21, 1879. 
The public school at this place now numbers over 100 pupils.  [ this would be
Marshfield]   /
   Mr. C.F. McCormac’s writing school opened on Wednesday night, with 21
scholars.  [M. is 21 spelled, or numerical?]

ITRR  health-accid  saying?  paper?   Mail-4 June 28, 1879
[Article condemning ITRR.  Private bickering between Coast Mail and ITRR. 
]   /
    [Article abt accident on ITRR] where hand-car left Utter City with James
Aiken, C. Gates, and Miss Montgomery as passengers for Coaledo.  Car was
derailed.  Injured one of the persons.  If it hadn’t been in a favorable locality
would have prob been fatality.  “This is an age of speed,” Mr. Springer, it is
true; but a little caution and good sense are quite as necessary as muscle, in
“one who sees and governs all.”  [M. note. “this is an age of speed” must have
been a quote from Springer, or fm someone defending him, and then the rest is
the editor’s answer.]

Other-coal   Tot UR.  RR     Mail-4    June 28, 1879
Mr. B.B. Jones of the Southport coal mine, has been out on the middle fork of
the Coquille, looking at the proposed railroad route and the resources which
exist as an inducement to the construction of the road.  Mr. Jones is a
thoroughly practical man, and we shall be pleased to hear a favorable report
from him, as his views will have much weight in inducing investment in the
enterprise.  +

Parker  Srh   diver-interest   Mail-4 June 28, 1879
Parker working on wreck of Great Republic, with the assistance of a diver
equipped with the proper sub-marine armor.

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