Coquille Bulletin    Coquille, Or.     Chronological

JAN 3 - 24, 1902  QB                           1901   |   next 1902    1903     to newspaper menu

Coq B 173  Jan 3, 1902
[This lists pretty much the same general list of businesses as noted a year ago except for
changes as have been noted.]

The color line in Honolulu is absolutely unknown.  [meaning all races mingle freely without
segregation.]  [cp]

 [Bulletin, J .J. Stanley, sole proprietor, has long item to say “howdy.  What his paper will
stand for, etc.  Nothing new from most claims of papers. ]

Oakland, December 24.  Miss Maude Miller, actress and daughter Joaquin Miller, poet, died
at the Garfield Home 1805 Nineteenth ave, East Oakland.  Death came suddenly after illness
4 days, complication of heart disease aggravated by hard and trying experiences of circuit
stage.  39 years old; married man named McCormick, from whom she was divorced. 
Born Cape Blanco Oregon.  Too close application to her work is supposed to have caused her
breakdown.  Funeral tomorrow and will be interred at "The Heights," Joaquin Miller’s home
on hills overlooking Oakland.  not q (Miss Miller is well remembered by many Coos and
Curry county people, having been a resident there for a number of years, and was much
admired for her ability as an actress and a writer.)

Mrs. Joseph Ferrey, Riverton, improving.     /    Onward loading lumber at Parkersburg.  [red
dot.  Red ck mark]  

Next city council Mon eve  n q at all     /    Gasoline schnr Bessie K. came into river Tue.  /   
Alliance left SF Wed morn for CB.

Jas Jenkins has leased J. C. Laird's ranch for 3 yrs.    /     Tyrrell's Creamery, below Riverton,
closed vy successful season's run on New Year's Day.     /   Mrs. John Shelton, Beaver Slough,
indisposed lately, but better.   [cp]

Miss Belle Rich, of Bandon public schools, spent holidays with parents at this place.   /    
Chas Miller, electrician of Coq-MP light plant at Johnson's mill, left yesterday for Keswic [as
I corrected it], Cal

[Charivari, Marshfield, resulted in shooting.  [ see if needed.]  ]   

Coq B 173
Jan 3, 1902
     Corvallis, December 27. -- Is M.D. Landis, the Coos county murderer, dead?  O.E. Landis,
his brother, asserts that such is the case.  Landis is charged with several murders in Coos
county, and a reward of $1000 for his arrest has been standing for several months.
     The brother of Landis alleges that the body of the murderer was buried as an unknown in a
thicket 15 or 16 miles north of Corvallis last week to exhume the body of a man found near
Suver [print] last summer for the purpose of determining whether, as he suspected, it was the
body of the Murderer Landis.  Before he left he communicated his intentions to Taylor Kemp,
a friend in this city.  He explained to Kemp that he hoped to make the identification by the
teeth, one of the front teeth of the brother having been capped with gold and another having
been filled with a triangular filling.  A day or two ago Kemp received a letter from Landis, in
which he declared that the body was non other than that of his brother, M.D. Landis.
     The body in question was discovered in a thicket between Suver and Parker on the West
side Railroad, June 30.  It was badly decomposed, and the general opinion at the time was that
death had happened a month or two before.  With the body there was nothing to afford
identification.  In one pocket there was a bullet hole, the bullet being found in the hat
which was still on the head.  The body was buried where it lay, after an inquest had been held
by the Coroner of Polk county.
     Officers in this city who are familiar with the statements made by O.E. Landis have not
decided views on the subject.  Sheriff Burnett said it might be a clever ruse to throw off their
guard the many officers on the lookout for the Coos county murderer.  He would not be
inclined to accept the story in toto until he had seen the teeth of the man buried last summer,
which, according to all descriptions, would afford almost certain proof as to whether the body
buried was actually that of Landis.  +
     There is no doubt that the above is a "clever ruse to throw off their guard the many officers
on the lookout for the Coos county murderer."
     According to the evidence submitted to the coroner’s jury Eudaily, whom Landis is
charged with murdering, was killed on May 19, and Landis left Coquille on May 25th.
     How then, could his body, "badly decomposed," and dead "a month or two before," be
found near Suver June 30?
     We also have it on good authority that Landis was seen as late as July 7th by two well
known citizens of Coos county.
[M. This latter part is local comment, the part above was reprint from a Corvallis dateline]

Dr. Cullin was called down river Wednesday to see some of his patients.  He made the trip in
his boat "Daphne." +

The small pox patients quarantined in John Humphrey's house have recovered and have been
released by the city authorities.   +  [cp]

Captain Butler is having a sewer laid at his residence in this city, which is laudable and
something which might be done by some of the rest of our citizens with good results. +

Lorenz’s store is not to be outdone by anyone in artistic display of their wares.  Their front
window has been a thing of beauty the past week.  Take a look at it and be convinced.  +

H.L. Carl, Norway, has lumber on the ground for a cheese factory.  not q

Wherever rural free delivery has been established it has been followed by an increase in the
net postal revenues of from eight to ten percent. 

 Professor Marconi announces that he has received, in New Foundland [print], signals sent in
England by wireless telegraphy.  Mr. Tesla may be expected to announce a message from
Mars in the near future.

Coq B  174 Jan 3, 1902
Captain H.W. Dunham is home from his trip to Nome.  Hark reports plenty of employment at
good wages but was unfortunate in having contracted typhoid fever which laid him off for
several months and dissipated his earnings.  He expects to return in the spring. +

Presbyterian choir, this place, met for rehearsal last Monday evening at residence Dr. J.W.
Strange.  After short practice, they were surprised by Mrs. Strange with a splendid lunch, after
which the evening was spent in playing games and having a general social good time until
quite a late hour.  not f q.

Christian church officers J.W. Krewson, J.H. Cecil, E.A. Howie, elders; H.T. Schweers, B.H.
Burns, Chas McCos [as typed], L.P. Maury, deacons; J.W. Krewson, treasurer; E.A. Howie
supt of SS; B.H. Burns, assistant supt.

A communication from Miss Jennie Curren is rather discouraging in general tone, and her
many friends here will be greatly grieved to learn that her case is so serious.  She has had two
operations performed on her jaw and her case still seems to be undecided.  The trouble arose,
so present physicians say, from having had a “baby” tooth filled when she was quite young. 
The tooth should have been extracted at that time, as the filling abnormally preserved the
baby tooth, and caused the permanent tooth beneath it to grow downward into her jaw.  The
bone of the right lower jaw has been entirely removed.  +

Sportsmen of this place did little shooting on New Year’s day.  C.A. Gage, Ed Lorenz tied on
first choice, which was a ham and 4 ribs of a pig, Frank Collier 2nd place, a ham; Geo Martin,
Riverton, a shoulder and 12 ribs as 3rd place; Geo Collier, 4th, a shoulder and 8 ribs; and A.J.
Sherwood has invited his friends to a feast of hogshead cheese to celebrate his triumph in
securing fifth choice.  The weapons were shotguns, and the targets were clay pigeons thrown
from a trap.

(CB News) Firm of Nasburg bros dissolved; Wm Nashburg continues the business.    /    
Carload of corned beef received by Henry Holm, from Roy Garrett, Myrtle Point.     /    
Steamers bar bound 3 day last week; storm offshore; There was no "weather-bound,"
"stormbound," "windbound," or "hidebound" about it – just a simple case of bar bound.   + 

A charivari at Empire last night seriously injured one of participants.  Great number young
folks had gathered on streets opp residence of A. A. Fuller who lately married Mrs. Norton,
old time charivari, when a shotgun was discharged from one of the windows, about 40 ft
distant, striking Andrew Peterson in legs.  Dr. Horsfall was called form Marshfield to
attend, found 101 pellets No 6 shot in legs.  No serious results anticipated.    [ M Note.  Fired
from house where Fuller lived, or a neighbor?]

(From Coos Bay News).  The output of coal from development work on the Beaver Hill mine
averages 50 tons a day and will gradually increase up to 600 and 1,000 tons.  The slope is now
down to the 1500-ft mark, and will not be extended any farther for the present, at least. 
Eleven gang-ways are now in the course of construction.  Nos 7, 9, and 11 will be each 1 1/4
miles long, and Nos. 6, 8, and 10 will be over a half mile long.  This will give some idea of
the immense field of coal embraced in Mine No. 2.  The plan of developing the mine on a
larger scale than has ever been attempted here reflects the highest credit on the ability of
Manager Chandler, who has progressed far enough with the work to insure a complete
success, and who has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the coal fields of Coos bay can be
worked on a large scale with profit to the investors, when efficient and capable management
control the enterprise.  An electric plant, with for motors, will be placed in the mine, to be
used for hauling in the gangways, and the slope and gangways will be lighted with electricity . 
Everything possible is being done to forward development work, but, as stated heretofore, it
takes a long time to properly open a mine, and while considerable coal, from the development
work, will be taken out during next summer and fall, mining proper will not be commenced
for some  [where is rest?]  +  [cp]

Coq B 175
Jan 3, 1902

[M. note.    How many Captain Butlers are there?] Captain Butler, of the lower river, was up
New Year’s day superintending the "infernal" improvements he is making in his residence. 
He is putting in a bath, hot and cold water pipes, patent closets, etc.  The Captain is
progressive and up-to-date.  He also visited his upriver farm before returning.  [M note, he
must live at Bandon but is fixing house at Coquille.]

Georgia Randleman, Parkersburg, quite ill.  [red dot]

Any unexpected merit in this our first issue [Stanley] should be attributed to our faithful
predecessors who have safely piloted us over the whirlpool attendant upon the assumption of
our new duties while ye editor has indulged in the domestic difficulties of moving his family
and household effects to his new residence...  +

Not q.  Old Sol unusually kind in this section this fall; bright sunshiny days, green grass,
vegetables in gardens unharmed by frost, everybody comfortable, smiling, happy...

Regular meeting of Fraternal Aid Assn changed from 2nd and 4th Mondays to 2nd and 4th

An impetuous youth from the bay disregarded the quarantine of our city council by visiting
the pest house here after being warned by marshal.  The recorder ordered that he enrich our
city treasury to the extent of $5 which he did.  +

Steamer Argo arrived from San Francisco Wednesday afternoon crossing bar at low water;
has been chartered by Dyer & Lorenz to take 2 loads matchwood from this river, after which
she will sail for Alaskan ports not q  [tred ck mark]
Linegar & Medley have ornamented the west side of their large mercantile building in this
city with an immense and attractive sign.  These gentlemen are wide awake and progressive
business men and we bespeak a liberal share of patronage for them.  Professor Backensto is
the artist who created the sign.  +

Woodmen gave mask ball on New Year’s eve not great success financially but they know
how to entertain.  [Lists] winners [ presum for costumes]   Gentlemen’s prize. J. Maddox,
Uncle Sam; Mrs. Clyde Gage and her sister, Minnie Nosler, pickaninnies, ladies prize.  Mrs.
J.S. Hayes nurse, John Behnam [as typed], colored gent; Ed Lorenz, Alphonse; Tommy
Mehl  Gaston; Henry Smith, Happy Hollihan;  Net Carey, cowboy;  Etta Pope, mistress of
innumerable pickanninies.  Lottie Willard, Free Silver, Mr. Campbell, flower girl; Mrs. G.E.
Pike, flower tree; Mary Mathers roses; Mrs. Tupper and Lottie Pope, Sisters of Charity; Mrs.
O.L. Nosler, good luck; Mrs. Sugg, music; other well sustained characters.

W.H. Erdice, Myrtle Point creamery man, celebrated New Year’s day in our burg. not f q.   /
Dr. S.L. Roberts, Myrtle Point, has disposed of his drug store tt place to Dr. K.A. Leep and
will leave shortly for Portland to reside not q.

Johnson's mill loaded the schooner Glenn, at Marshfield, this week with 200,000 feet of fir
and spruce.  The lumber was shipped by rail to the bay.  + [cp]
Miss Lottie Cooper, Myrtle Point, through town Tuesday enroute to Curry county, where is
engaged to teach school for next 6 month not f q.

John Golden, Marshfield, over on Wed. train to look after his new bldg he is having erected
on Front st  He well pleased w/progress of work on bldg   /
Marriage license Ed Farrin and Mable F. Rood and others  /  [Mary, also Nellie, Norton]

Coq B 176-80   Jan 3, 1902
(Coast Mail) Roy Twombly carried the mail to Coquille City Monday, the regular carrier
being laid up.  While coming back the fiery untamed steed he bestrode ran away with him and
went over the grade, bag and baggage, resulting in some painful but not serious bruises for
Mr. Twombly.  +

Jan 10, 1902

Disaster at sea, Steamer Walla Walla lost off California coast.  Sank in 15 minutes [another
wreck in same paper, Steel Bark Asie tipped over at her dock in Portland.]

County court proceedings.
Many fees paid for jurors, witnesses, laborers in county interest, other.  Many prominent
names listed.  Among them, Ed Cunningham, work for district 16.  C. H. Fry, supt of
infirmary.   A J Radabaugh appointed supervisor road dist 27.  Z T Siglin, making fills as per
contract, district 9 roads.  [<cp]

City council proceedings.  Met regular session last Monday evening.  Present: Mayor Alfred
Johnson, councilmen J.E. Perrot, D.H. Johnson, T.J. Little, John Curren [M, I thought he was
in San Francisco], J.S. Henry; absent, W.J. Fairman.  Claims allowed A.J. Sherwood, legal
services; A.J. Sherwood drafting electric light ordinance $10; W.A. Mansell, wood,
hauling 1br [latter is 75 c ]; Dr. W. Culin, professional visit to Humphreys  [M, who had
smallpox??] $31.50.  Proposition of G.W. White to furnish money from time to time at 8 %,
interest for water system until bonds are sold, accepted.  not quotes.

John Curren returned on the Mandalay.  He reports his daughter Jennie as much improved and
expects her and Mrs. C in about three weeks.  [red ck mark]

D. L. Perkins has returned on the Mandalay from California where he went some time ago for
his health.  He seems much improved by his trip.  [red ck mark]

L. W. Deyoe brought to our office this wk ripe strawberries grown in his garden at this place. 
Ripe strawberries in January...   MPE

E. A. Eickworth, one of the retiring managers of the Bulletin went to Marshfield where he
expects to engage in his profession as a journalist.  Mr. E. is an exemplary young man and
was one of our enterprising citizens while residing here.
 We shall miss his genial countenance on our streeets and we fear several of our charming
maidens are in mourning since his departure.  +

Lyons' mill broke a large pulley wheel last Tue morn, pieces flying promiscuously, making it
anything but comfortable for some of workmen.  Wheel soon replaced, but on starting up,
shaft carrying the big saw broke, possibly caused by breaking of pulley wheel.  Damage
repaired, mill in operation next day.  Nfq

William Hite, West Bandon, bothered with chicken thieves past few wks.  His poultry flock
16 short because of marauders, and he is not inclined to be over-indulgent, and thief will find
himself in ugly predicament if caught stealing his property.  -- B. Recorder.  Bill is a "bad
man" and the culprits had better beware.  Not f q

Coq B Jan 10, 1902. (b176-80)  Considerable lumber is being shipped over the C.B .R. & E.
this week from the Johnson and Lyons’ mills. +  [cp]

Coq B 181  Jan 10, 1902 
Lyons' mill took advantage of the holiday shut-down to put a steam feed on the carriage at the
big saws.  This is one of the most important improvements they have made in their mill for a
long time as it add at least one third to the capacity of their plant  [as in print].

Miss Josie Lyons and her mother went to San Francisco on the Mandalay for a stay of three
months.  Miss Josie goes for the purpose of posting up on the latest styles of millinery and
when she returns will bring a large stock of everything in that line, which will be, as her stock
always is, strictly first class in quality and up to date in styles.  +  [red check mark]

Geo. Weiler, connected until recently with the large tailoring and gents' furnishing
establishment of this place, left on Arcata for California where he expects to reside.  On being
accused of having matrimonial intentions against one of California's fair ones, George
blushed and did not deny it.  The Bulletin wishes him and his good luck, long life and many
returns.  +

[Brief article abt monuments made by F M Steward of Steward & Westgate]

store at Arago burned, totally destroyed (store-post office).  W. H. Schroeder.  Fire originated
in empty wing of bldg which formerly occupied by Mr. S. and family as sitting room.  Part of
building empty for 2 yrs.  Cause of fire unknown.  Judge S. says it might have been
incendiary but being optimist, hates to think s.  One rom of the wing, the one in front of room
where fire started, was never locked and was used by neighbors as store room convenient to
the boat landing.  Thinks some hobo camped in this room and accidentally set fire.  Loss est. 
$3000,  $2000 covered by insurance.  Fire was Tue morn 2:10 AM; store building and entire
contents destroyed.  Inventory of stock a day or two before showed $2500 on hand.  Valuable
in safe were saved [ie papers, other].  A large order of dry goods had just been received, but
not yet discharged from the  etmmr, and so this part was saved.  Not q at all

Capt. H. W. Dunham is at work fitting up the boiler for Mr. Bright's little steamer which is to
ply our river above Myrtle Point.  +  /
J J Stanley has been appointed a notary public...   /     L B. Felter, Remote, call at Bulletin
office this wk  not q

Thursday morning a horse carrying the through mail between Roseburg and Myrtle Point
went over the grade.  The carrier searched four hours but was unable to find either horse or
mail pouches.  This leaves us short on late news form the outside, as no daily papers arrived.

Willie Stauff, Arago, shopping in town Thursday.   /
G.A. Churchman and family of Sheridan, Yamhill county, have moved into Golden’s new
building will soon open drug store lower part   n q.
Jan 17, 1902

The facilities here for a cold storage plant are excellent and the process is very simple. 
Requires temp below 35 degrees, and only 75 lbs salt to 800 lbs fish.  Cost nominal, less than
A cold storage plant here would do away with canneries or compel them to add cold storage.
[This is recommendation of Mr. Bultman, fish man.]

Coq  B 182-4  Jan 10, 1902

County supt W. H. Bunch visited county seat Mon.    /     Capt Edwards, Allegany.      /  
Judge Schroeder and son Clarence business in town Tue.     /    E. N. Harry, road supervisor
Sitkum.   /   O. Grant Beale, Marshfeld, through town this wk, going downriver to look after
business interests.     / county surveyor Cathcart.

F. T. Sanderson returned Wed fm his mines in Josephine co. where been for 2 wks.   /   Dr.
Mingus, of Marshfield, came over Wednesday to vaccinate some of the railroad employees
and their families of this place.  +  [cp]

Mrs. Will Mansell went to San Francisco on the Mandalay for a short visit with relatives and
friends.   Billy looks very "solemcholy" these days.  +

D. P. Strang this week made sale of all his real estate in this city to our new townsman  J.A.
Davenport.  Mr. Strang expects to go to Portland to reside not f q

The numerous complimentary articles appearing in some of our contemporaries on the Coos
Bay side have a tendency to make our health officer believe that he is really of some
importance and fills a very high office.  +

Earl Goodman, Julius Jacobson, Dave Collier, left on Mandalay for Oakland, California,
where will attend college, probably Polytechnic Institute not q

Ethan McDuffee and wife left on the Mandalay for Los Angeles, California, where they go for
Mrs. McD’s health.  Ethan expects to ply his trade while there but expects to return to Coos to
reside just as soon as his wife’s health is sufficiently improved.  +


CoqB   cont from b181    Jan 17, 1902

The facilities here for a cold storage plant are excellent and the process is very simple. 
Requires temp below 35 degrees, and only 75 lbs salt to 800 lbs fish.  Cost nominal, less than
A cold storage plant here would do away with canneries or compel them to add cold storage.
[This is recommendation of Mr. Bultman, fish man.]

CoqB182-4 cont  Jan 17, 1902

[County court proceedings, payment of bills and fees, several well known names also, county
expenses for 1901 amounts to $20,000 for general and $14,000+ for roads.]

Fred Tuttle to San Francisco on Alliance for short visit.         / V.R. Wilson to Coos Bay on
business Monday, returning Wednesday.        / Ed Lorenz left on Alliance for San Francisco
to visit parents.        /     E. A. Eickworth paid Coquille City visit Monday settling up business
affairs.   /   John Curren went to Marshfield Saturday, to look after his trade in tt city,
returning Monday.

Died of smallpox, at his home on Middle Creek, near McKinley, Chester Norris Lawhorn, 19
years, 5 months, 7 days.   

E. C. Cole, our local telephone linemen, gave our burg a call Monday, repairing the line and
changing some of the instruments.  +      /  
 D.P. Strang has resigned as school director for this city and district and B.H. Burns appointed
to unexpired term.  People are sorry to lose Mr. Strang, but feel he has a worthy successor.

M. O. Hawkins wears fatherly smile since arrived, his house last Monday morning January
13, a bouncing baby girl.  Mr. H. and baby doing nicely, and no doubt tt the professor, with
careful nursing, will recover.  not f q

J. J. Stanley had a telephone put in his residence Monday and the Bulletin office is already on
the line.  So anyone having business with the "fighting editor," or fighting business with the
editor will please call by ‘phone, as he considers that short enough range on such occasions. 

School board this district made a levy of 10 mills to finish paying for new schoolhouse.  Will
wipe out indebtedness and
we have school house of any place might well be proud.  not f q

The public schools and churches of this place were closed down on Tuesday, on account of
the smallpox scare.  There are no new cases in town, but as there are several cases reported on
the Middle Fork and other places it was thought best to use every precaution to keep the
disease from gaining a start in town.  --Enterprise.   +  [cp?]

D. P. Strang expects to leave with Mrs. S. for Portland as soon as she is able to travel.  They
expect that an operation, perhaps amputation, will be necessary to relieve Mrs. Strang of a
very serious trouble which she has been having for some months past with toes of one foot. 
Mrs. Strang has the sympathy of her friends here, which are legion.

Coq B 185 Jan 17, 1902

Wm. Nefzger, well known by our people as a "crack" baseball pitcher, has signed a contract
with the Northwestern Baseball League to pitch for them this season.  'Billy" is all right, and
will come as near as any of them earning the liberal salary which he writes he is to receive. 
He urges Dave Johnson to join him, assuming a position with good pay.  Dave may conclude
to go.  +

Aaron Wilson, one of the retiring proprietors of the Bulletin, left Wednesday for Bridge
where he, with his wife, will visit a few days with Mrs. W’s parents.  Mr. Wilson then expects
to take the field as organizer for the Fraternal Aid Association.  His many friends of this place
regret his departure, but wish him unbounded success in his new field.  +

R. W. Henry, son of townsman J. S. Henry, left on Alliance to resume his position as 2nd
Steward on Pacific Steamship Company mail ship Sierra.  not q   /
Alfred Johnson Jr business on the bay this week.  /
 R. E. Shine, Empire City, Secy of S O Co, business in interest of local clients.

The Bulletin office turned on the electric lights for the first time last Saturday night.  +  / 
Hotel Coquille, new sidewalk in front, adds to appearance.

Coq B 185 Jan 17, 1902.  (b185) Manager Chandler of the C.B.R. & E. was in town this
week.  +  [cp]
Coq B 185 Jan 17, 1902 (b 185)  Mayor J S Coke, Marshfield, business at court house in
interests of legal clients.  [cp]  /

Chas. Wickham, night foreman at the Beaver Hill mines visited relatives in town this week.  + 
[cp]  /
John Foulks has resigned his position as head pumpman at the Riverton coal mine, and has
accepted a position of similar character at Beaver Hill.   +  [cp]

Skipper Bright got up steam in his new boat, the J. Warren, last Tuesday to test her engines,
and took a little spin on the river.  He was well pleased with the action of the boat and also her
machinery.  +

Small blaze in sawmill, Riverton, Monday morning considerable excitement but little damage. 
With timely aid, the fire, which was on the roof, was checked by tearing off the shingles. 

Work begun this week on new sidewalk from B.H. Burns’ residence to connect with new
walk ordered some time ago on 5th st.  Much needed improvement and will be great
conveniece -- absolutely necessary -- to residents tt part of town.  Not q

No acceptable bid for the Sunday local mail service between this place and Myrtle Point was
filed with Department at Washington D.C. and new advertisements out soliciting for bids.  not
f q

Allen Hart, who has been in the employ of Mr. Frank Morse in wiring this town and Myrtle
Point for electric lights, went to Ukiah on the Alliance where he expects to visit a short time
with relatives after which he will engage in his trade in Mendocino county.  Mr. and Mrs.
Morse accompanied him as far as Marshfield.  +

Henry Bultman, state deputy fish warden.  /
[Lengthy article on benefits of artificial propagation of hatching salmon, the fish warden’s
views.]  /
Geo Robinson been making improvements in display counters in his large mercantile
establishment.  not q

A story is going the rounds about one of our city school ma’ams who went to visit a
neighboring burg against the quarantine regulations thereof and found herself shut up in a
suburban house by the local authorities for twenty-one days. +

New electric lights have been put in the court house, but are not yet connected on account of
not having wire.  Mr. Morse has been greatly handicapped in his work lately on this account. 
He expects a large consignment of wire on the Arcata, when he will put about twenty lights in
the residence and other buildings of Mr. Fred Schroeder, just above town.  +

Coq B 186  Jan 17, 1902

Last Monday, as Hi Wright, the mail carrier, was coming up the bay a short distance from
Marshfield in Taylor Siglin’s gasoline launch, the machinery in the boat went wrong and the
boat could be brought no further.  Mr. W. caught the train which happened to be passing and
came on as far as King’s landing form where he came on horseback as usual.  It is probable
that it will be necessary to place a new engine in the boat.  +  [cp]

The last three ships that left North Bend were loaded by union labor.  The Longshoremen’s
Union now has control of every wharf on Coos Bay.  We have been informed by one of the
members of the association that they placed their first hundred dollars in Flanagan and
Bennett’s bank yesterday the 13th, besides having enough to pay running expenses for some
time.  This speaks well for the association, inasmuch as it is the first attempt at organized
labor in this county.  – Coast Mail.

J.W. Nosler (store) Odd Fellows building.

Jan 24, 1902
More on wreck of Walla Walla.   /
Wireless telegraphy use on trans-Atlantic steamers.

[List of officers still the same of Coos county, with A.H. Black representative.  Why isn’t he
ever in the news at all???]

The Eden of the West, God’s footstool, the Coquille Valley
...Summing it all in our one paragraph, we have all the resources that have made Holland and
Belgium famous for their dairies, Pennsylvania for its coal, Michigan, Wisconsin and the New
England States for their lumbering industries, California and the Sunny South for their farms
and gardens.  Not only this but we exceed the above named localities in all respects.  Perhaps
not in the output, but certainly excellence of the articles.  And yet we are in our infancy. 
Continually growing as we are, the output will also increase to such an extend that it will be
but a comparatively short time until the Coquille Valley will be entitled to the reward which it
richly deserves and merits, to be widely known as the 'Eden of the West."  X.Y.Z.

Household hint for mending broken china.  Take the bit of white that remains in eggshell after
the egg has been used, mix with a little flour, enough to make a paste, cement your china
together.  Will not cost you a cent and will be sufficient for repairs.  A woman who tried it
found she could wash the china a number of times and the broken pieces still held.  Not q at

Real estate transfers T.W. Clark to Isabel S. Palmer block 19 of Woodland addition to
Bandon.   /
S.L. Roberds to K.A. Leep, lot 7 of block 11, extension to Myrtle Point and lots 3,4, block 21,
Brown’s addition to Myrtle Point. $2000.   /
Frederick Elliott to W.A. Maxwell [very lengthy description of property].  /
John W. Koon to J. T. McCormac parcel of land fronting Coquille river, with boom
privileges, $500.  /
D.P. Stang to Elizabeth E. Davenport, lots 7, 8, 9, 10 block 26 and lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 block
27, Elliott’s addition Coquille, $1600.

W.A. Goodman all kinds house moving.  not q

Coq B 187-90    Jan 24, 1902

Partnership between John Curren and J.E. Fitzgerald, Coquille Packing Company, dissolved. 
John Curren will continue under same name as sole proprietor.  not q at all   /
Marriage license Geo Smith and Fannie Davis.

Our physician has had a great run on vaccine matter lately, several hundred of our people
having undergone the operation. +  [cp]

Our sister town by the sea tried to “crawl into her hold and pull the hole in after her,” but
finding uncomfortable quarters and insufficient room in which to turn, is now slowly backing
out.  +

Letter from Dave Collier: he and other Coquillers on Mandalay arrived in San Francisco all
right.  Had tedious trip owing to so many way port stoppages, arrived there 9 days after
leaving here.  not q  /
Central Meat Market, new paint and paper; elegant establishment not q

Our town is growing rapidly, steadily.  It is not a boom but a good, healthy, natural growth. 
And we have sufficient undeveloped resources around us to make of us a great city.  This is
not a mere boast.  Investigate for yourself and be convinced.  +

Lease on baseball ground expired Monday morning; subscription list started tt morning; so
ground was leased for another year, and so we will indulge in the national game again as soon
as season opens. 

John Curren received a telegram from Mrs. C. Sunday saying that she and her daughter Jennie
would be up on the next Alliance.  Miss Jennie is fully recovered form one of the most
difficult operations, and her host of friends here will give her a joyous welcome.  They are
expected to arrive Saturday.  +

Ed Gallier, our Deputy Sheriff, has just returned from a trip to Southwestern Idaho.  He
reports very cold weather in that region – a great contrast to our balmy spring weather which
we have been enjoying all winter.  He made the trip on a hunt of Landis, on request of
officials there, but it proved a false scent.  +

It is delightfully amusing to the poor, benighted Coquillers to find that our neighbors across
the isthmus have finally adopted the measures pursued by civilized people in combating the
progress of contagious diseases, and we think there must have been some new blood
introduced into their vicinity form which enlightenment on this subject has been received.  +

One of the most important cases tried in Coos County for many years is the case of the
Flanagan and Bennett bank vs. R. A. Graham et al, which was tried before Judge Hamilton in
Chambers last May and the decision handed down in November.  The decision was adverse to
the plaintiffs who are now appealing.  The transcript and evidence which the County Clerk is
making up, contain over 650 pages.  The amount involved is over $24000.00.  This suit was
brought by plaintiffs in May 1900 to foreclose on a chattel mortgage.  +  [cp]

[List of candidates being put up for local office Hazard, Harlocker, Laingor, J.S. Lawrence,

Number of pupils enrolled present term Marshfield Graded and H.S., September 368.  Of this
number 348 are on the roll.  Number not attending school on account of measles in families is
95.  not q

Manager Robinson has just installed a new labor saving machine in the telephone office here. 
It is a little instrument for ringing the calls bells on the line and its main feature is a sort of
tongue which executes a double flip-flap between two points and keeps reversing the current
considerably faster than a man can wink his eye at the hello girl.  +

Coq B  191  January 24, 1902

City council proceedings.  Council met in called session Wednesday evening.  Dr. Culin,
medical attendance on Humphreys $20.50.  Electric Company for lights $19.80.  Lyons Estate
lumber for bridge, water system  $63 +.  John Curren dirt for street $20.  D.H. Johnson meats
for Humphreys $1.10.  Proposition of G.W. White accepted for water bonds for $15,000 to be
issued February 1, 1902.

Feb 1, 1902
It was also ordered that persons having smallpox or living in houses with person having this
disease, be kept off the streets.  +

John Yoakam had business which brought him to the county seat last Thursday.    +    /
Alliance on dry dock San Francisco this week; expected to leave there Wednesday.     /   
Error about J.H. Fredricks had gone to Roseburg.  He still here, but thinks of leaving on next
steamer for Portland.  not q at all.

 J.B. Dulley played a great game on boys at the Court House.  It seems there was no smallpox
in his house at all, but a bouncing boy that kept him from his office several days.  +     /   Earl
Elliott’s mother will not return to Coos at present, but will winter in San Jose.  Earl expected
to take next Mandalay to San Francisco to join his mother for winter.  not q at all.  [red ck

Chas. Ashton, who had the contract for securing the logs that went down the river form the
South Fork on the freshet last fall, brought an immense raft of them up to Lyon’s mill last
Tuesday, the towing them up on the tide.  The tide failed on them just opposite town, but by
the time aid of the steamers Echo and Favorite, they were enabled to take them up to the head
of the boom.  +  [red ck mark]

Coq B 191   Jan 24, 1902.
Extravagant rumors are afloat regarding a “find” made by the railroad section crew near
Myrtle Point.  It was reported that they had found $700 in coin in a rusty tin can that had been
buried between the ties.  Foreman Hughes positively refuses to be interviewed on the subject. 
It is thought this may be a “deposit” made after some of the many robberies which have
occurred within the last few years in this county, and for this reason the particulars are not
made public for fear of frustrating the authorities investigating the matter.  +  [cp]

John Golden has purchased the two lots on Front Street recently purchased by C.M. Skeels,
and has let the contract to our boss Mechanic Thos. Heaton, for the construction thereon of
two store buildings 21 ½ by 68 feet two stories high.  The work of excavating for these
buildings has begun, and the construction will begin at once and be rapidly pushed to
completion.  Mr. Golden evidently has faith in or town, as he has just completed a store
building one lot distant from these.  He has long been one of Marshfield’s capitalists but
seems to be leaning our way.  We give him welcome.  +

11 prisoners on McNeil Island Penitentiary dug their way out and escaped.  not q

Resolution of city council tt any person found on streets of Coquille, who have come from a
home or house wherein or has been the infection of smallpox, and before same has been
fumigated, will be arrested and immediately taken before Recorder to be dealt with according
to the law.  not f q

Marshfield Quarantine ordinance.  Physicians must report to town recorder within 24 hours
any case of such disease (infectious or contagious).  Owners or occupants building display
flag 12 x 18 inches when any case exists in bldg; and if persons fail, the marshal shall display
such flag: smallpox, yellow, other diseases, red.  Persons afflicted keep off streets, alleys,
public places.  In case of death, corpse not to be removed without consent of mayor. 
Ordinance apply to smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria, bubonic
plague, typhoid fever, yellow fever, membraneous croup, and all other contagious or
infectious diseases.  not q.  [violations punished by jail 5-25 days or fine $5 to $100 or both.]

Coq B 192-5  Jan 24, 1902
Coquille Valley Real Estate Market, W.C. Chase, Manager.  Office in Robinson’s Building,
Front Street.

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