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Jan 4

Misc       Haul-18  CCH ff  Jan 4, 1898
 Melted cheese is called "Welch rabbit" in the same sense of popular humor
that designates frogs as "Dutch nightingales," pork and beans as Boston
woodcock," and codfish as a "Cape Cod turkey."  +
AHB.  Dairy fruit    Haul-18  CCH ff  Jan 4, 1898 
A.H. Black Co. informed us while visiting their commodious department that
they are receiving about 500 lbs. of butter weekly, this being the lowest mark
reached during the year. (This creamery runs the year round.) [ parenthesis are
in print].  They still have a few carloads of apples yet on hand which, when
shipped, will complete the shipment of about 7000 boxes handled by this firm
during the season.    + 

BH. Road   Haul-18  CCH ff  Jan 4, 1898  John Grandy, supervisor of Beaver
Hill road district...   

Alaska-mining prices? Haul-18 CCH ff Jan 4, 1898 
Food very scarce in Dawson. Many ads for taking "outfit" to Alaska, then
selling half of it [M. presum mostly food] for $500 to $5000 there.  (500 lb for
$2500)  not quote

Mill   name?  Tot-Coq  Haul-18 CCH ff  Jan 4, 1898
 Mr. Johnson, purchaser of the late Morras Bro's mill, has put on a force of
workmen to repair and improve the plant for early operations.

Lhc   climate  clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898   Climate,, production.
temperature, soil coos county. 

UR Srh  dairy  clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898
Upper R.Dept  Little steamer Ralph has taken vacation, being no longer on
regular run since expiration of milk contract the last of the old year.

Srh   machine?  Disaster  clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898 
Bandon Recorder. Stmr Moro still lies on beach south of the breakwater. 
Machinery removed fm hold except the donkey engine.  She has considerable
sand in her hold and looks weatherworn and beaten but otherwise not much
worse than she did 3 or 4 days after going ashore.

Srh   disaster   clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898
Stmr Fawn met with accident last Sun. when returning fm Bandon.  Had hole
stove in her; at first feared she would sink.  By earnest work and placing of
pump floated at high tide and forced on shore.  Poss. she will be repaired suff.
to be brought up today or tomorrow.

Health  school Tot-Coq  clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898
Dr. CuIin says old school bldg not healthy place for children.  Observes diff.
between academy bldg and the old school.  Considers a new building
imperative necessity.

School  condit  misc?  clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898
.Coq.City schools.  No teachers anywhere get lower wages, and our schools
never showed up better for efficiency and satisfactory results.  Time for an
election.   [Other article.] Prof. Hawkins 79,  Prof. Nosler 45, Miss Bentley
49.  In Hawkins' room students are using teacher's desk and some have to
stand.  This is not right...  [last part quote]

RR  other-coal   clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898
"Bandonian," the Roseburg Review correspondent fm Bandon writes as
follows to that paper:  "We are going to have our railroad completed at last. 
We look upon this as certainty.  Mr. Graham has gone to England to get
money to complete it, and work will be commenced early in March and
continued vigorously, the object being to have it finished during the year, and
handed over, as per agreement with the S. P. Co., to them.  They want the road
badly as their wood supply is giving out, and they can get all the bituminous
coal they want from the Coquille river, and probably for less than half of what
they should pay for it in San francisco, as coal can be brought fm Myrtle Point
to Roseburg in two hours."  +

Srh    clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 4, 1898   C.B. News.  Homer placed on rte
between S.F. and San Diego.

enterprise  Srh   other-coal?  clipa 1g  CCH pg 15 Jan 4, 1898
Cottage City, stmr purchased in East by Goodall, Perkins Co is on her way to
S.F. in charge of Capt Goodall.

Allied   Church  vital-stat  supp-t CCH  Jan 4, 1898
Maried by Rev John Bonewitz, W T Dement and Miss Nellie Figg.  [says cp]   
/  a Tyrrell got married.

Health vital-stat  BH  CCHsupp-t   Jan 4, 1898. 
M/M Mike Leahy, Beaver Hill, a son Dec. 29.  /   [another entry]. At Beaver
Hill Jan 2, infant son of M/M Mike Leahy died.   [cp] 

Health name  supp-t  CCH Jan  4, 1898
Died near MP, Dec 28, Willie Forest, infant son M/M Hezikiah Root. 2 mo 28
da.  /    A McCann daughter died.

Paper  vital-stat  name food  supp-t CCH Jan 4, 1898
The Herald was kindly remembered with a tray of wedding cake from our
friends Taylor Dement and bride nee Miss Nellie Figg, whose wedding took
place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Figg, Wednesday of
last week.

Hermann  moving  history  name   supp-t  CCH Jan 4, 1898
Binger Hermann put Mr. Dodge in touch with some extra valuable
manuscripts, those of Mr. Kirkpatrick, now living in Arizona.  Man is abt 70
yrs old.  Not q.

School  supp-t  CCH Jan 4, 1898      [School enrollment and who teaching.]

Jan 11

County court    Haul-18 CCH ff  Tue. Jan11, 1898  county court proceedings.    
Election poster. 

Court?  School  Haul-18 CCH ff Jan 11, 1898    report on public school.

Climate  Haul-18 CCH ff Jan 11, 1898
Skim of snow fell Saturday but [only lasted a short time].  Sunday was coldest
of the season...   [M.2004  was this Coq or did I forget to say from where?]

Tot-multi   novelty-wood  name  Haul-18 CCH ff Jan 11, 1898 
R. J. McMullen, late manager of the broomhandle factory at this place, will
put up a factory back of Randolph on his own hook.  He leaves this week to
place the plant and machinery.

RR-passenger   Fare. Prices.  Excursion  pursuit   Haul-18  CCH ff  Jan 11,
A special train came over from Marshfield last Saturday, giving a round-trip
fair [sic?] of $1.10 to parties wishing to attend the football game between
Coquille and Marshfield, and the Butler-Schuyler 20 round mill at night at
Marshfield. [this was a fight, descr. elsewhere in paper.  M]   +      

Tot-Coq  Haul -18 CCH ff  Jan 11 1898  work began yesterday on new Tuttle

Climate  agric   Poesy?  Haul-18 CCH ff Jan 11, 1898
Thurs morning last another rain set in, after a lull of several days, and a
sprinkle of sleet came with it...flower beds were bright with violets, crocuses,
primroses and other flowers, while rosebushes were blooming, clover
blossoms carpeting the ground and berry bushes putting forth blooms and fruit
at all stages.  And this is winter in southwest Oregon!  +

Voting  court  tot-multi   clipa 1g  CCH pg 16  Jan 11, 1898
[changing of Randolph and Riverton boundaries voting precincts.  County
court procedings.  Election of officers, etc.]

BH Chandler  clipa1g CCH pg 16  Jan 11,1898
[Head:]  BH Change of Management
     The Herald is authorized to announce that the Beaver Hill Coal Company
has changed its manager, and that no one has authority to buy or purchase
supplies excepting W. S. Chandler, the new manager.  All contracts under
former management are cancelled, unless specially confirmed by Mr.
     The Herald greets the new management as a change for the better --
promise of conducting the affairs of the company on business principles, with
a view to good service to public and undivided and hearty patronage of the
public in return.  +

Vital-stat  supp-t  CCH Jan 11, 1898   Marriages.   Hollenbeak   /  Randleman     

Vital-stat  locale  Srh  supp-t  CCH Jan 11, 1898
M/Mrs. Frank Barrows, Bandon, Jan 7, daughter   /     M/M James Langlois,
Cape Blanco Light station, Jan 6 daughter. 

Health  name  supp-t  Jan  11, 1898    Joel Davenport, Jan 4, died at MP.

Disaster  school Tot-MP  supp-t  CCH Jan 11,1898  
A fire broke out in Mrs. Majory's (Williams) house at MP, toward school
house   not q  

Name  [church-indir school-indir?]  supp-t  CCH Jan  11, 1898
Ed Root, Annie Wheeler, Claude Fox, Robert Zeverly elected officers at little
church Lyceum.   Not q

Tot-Coq  agric  climate  name salesman  supp-u CCH Jan 11, 1898
Our old friend, J. B. Fox is sandwiching his ranching opportunities and forced
idleness by the rains with an agency for the sale of silverware.  He is making
good sales and represents a very pretty and serviceable tableware.  +

Tot-Coq  supp-u  CCH Jan 11, 1898 
Work began yesterday morning on new Tuttle hotel.  Thos Krewson
superintending.  Will be 22 x 44 ft and 2 story high. Not q.

County  locale name  supp-u  CCH January 11, 1898. 
County court proceedings. Voting precincts.  Coos City as T A King, chm.
Matt Barron [sic], Jas. Wall Sr,  Clerks. [? Does clerks go with former or
latter?]  Wm Ross, Wm Lawhorn.  [M. wrong side of river for King’s
Landing, but there are no others listed for tt region so evid took in both sides
of river.]  [M. no other districts listed in my news notes.]   [cp]

School  supp-u  CCH Jan 11, 1898 
[public school, attendance records, stat. Who got good grades.  Emma Maury
listed in primary dept.  ]

name pursuit  misc-word  Tot-Marshfield  supp-u  CCH Jan 11, 1898
[article abt James Ferry, Blanco Hotel, being involved in Butler-Schuyler fight
which was such a disgrace.  He tried to intervene to protect reputation of the
house against foisting disreputable guests on them, he got punched by the
boxer. [more]  not q.  [rest is not very intelligible.]

crime  Gage?  Name  Srh    supp-u   CCH  Jan 11, 1898.
[ Article abt deputy sheriff Gage going to stmr landing and arresting Frank
Wilson for taking money fm Joseph Ferry. [much more in news notes but not
abt Gage.] [ M prob not WW Gage]  [red tilde]  [M. I don't think I got it all]
[after saying mother interfered in behalf of her son:]
     ...The officer then called to Andrew Lukens for assistance, when the
prisoner was taken to the jail and placed in confinement.  The officer's act of
striking Mrs. Wilson caused considerable talk and harsh criticism through the
town with threats of prosecution, but the prosecution has not taken place and
seems to be waning.  Saturday afternoon the prisoner appeared and gave bond
in the sum of $200 for his appearance Monday afternoon.
     At the hour set Monday afternoon a preliminary examination was held
before Justice Harlocker, at which time Wilson was held for appearance
before the grand-jury in the sum of $400.  Testimony was taken from Mr.
Ferry, his two daughters and B. F. Lawrence.  The latter testified to the effect
that Wilson told his father (when the latter asked son as to his guilt0 that Mr.
Ferry had put $20 into his pocket, but which, on being arrested, he threw
away, as he didn't want to be caught with the money in his possession.  + [M
Jan 2005  are there dupls of some items?  Seems like I remember doing this
one recently.]

Locale  name history   supp-u  CCH Jan 11, 1898   [Brief article abt] M O
Hawkins when lived in Curry co as lad.


Feb 1

Paper  Haul-18 CCH ff  Feb 1, 1898 [still says J. S. McEwen & Co. Editors
and Proprietors.  However, the first column says "the new management of the
Coquille City Herald desires a settlement with all the patrons of the paper... ]

[BH. Graham.] other-coal   haul-18  CCH ff  February 1, 1898.  
Musings fm Marshfield.  It is reported that Canada has ceded to the United
States the city of Beaver Hill, which in future will be conducted in accordance
with U.S. laws; and that a new city has been laid out and named Klondike by
the Canadian authorities here. +    

Other-coal. Tot-Riverton  Haul-18 CCH ff  Feb 1, 1898
Riverton Riotings. Jan 31.  J. F. Chaney is getting out a coal from the old
Ferry mine to supply the local trade on the river.   /   Timon's crew had five
days' run of work last week.  

Other-coal Tot-multi  Srh  machine  Alaska  haul 18 CCH ff Feb 1, 1898
The engine was taken from the Ferry mine last week and shipped to Prosper. 
It will be used there to run the band-saw for getting out the timbers for the
new Klondike schooner.  

Kanematz    items   Tot-Coq  holiday   [peo1-3  CCH gg Feb 1, 1898.] 
Valentines at Berlin store.      [cp]

Tot-name  novelty-wood   health Dr. Culin
[peo1-3 Feb 1, 1898  CCH gg]
 Last Saturday morning our young friend Ed Moran, who had just begun his
work at the broomhandle factory, was overcome by an attack of paralysis.  Dr.
Culin summoned.  [stroke was light, it soon passed away.]

politic   money  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898   [front page all abt populist
party.  Still more abt silver]

mill  locale  timber-Chadwick  Graham  clipa 2a  CCh 17  Feb 1, 1898  
Marshfield, Jan. 29.  [Articles abt mlls not running;] no truth to report tt
Empire and Porter mills were to start up, nor truth to report tt R.A.. Graham
has bought Chadwick claim.

Locale   Srh   name  clipa 2a CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
Dora Doings.  Jan 31.  Geo Griffin and A. Bright launched their new boar last
Tuesday.  Stern-wheel run by hand power, similar to hand-car motion.  We
look for them up to East Fork the next rise in the river.  +

Srh   clipa 2a CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898 
Word comes fm S.F. tt Kimball Co. will now build this vessel for the Coquille
River.  Bandon Recorder.

Srh  condit Alaska  clipa 2a  CCH 17 Feb 1, 1898
Bandon Recorder.  Same column says Capt Robt Fredricks has returned home
and does not bring encouragement of imm. success of a new stmr project. 
Everything in the city is preparing for Alaska rush.    

Black sand mining  Tot-Randolph  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
[Article tt somebody else planning to open up black sand mines at Randolph;
they’ve made tests at river; think they can make go of venture.]

RR  animal  BH  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
Last Friday’s train from the bay took two carloads of horses from Beaver Hill
to be put on pasturage above Myrtle Point.  The work of curtailing expenses at
Beaver Hill is occasion  of it.  +

Tot-Prosper  Srh  Alaska mining saying  clipa 2a  CCH 17 Feb 1, 1898
  …new schooner under way of construction at Prosper by Coq. River &
Alaska Mining Co. is assuming a shiplike appearance.  Capt. Danielson,
builder, is driving the work w/all poss.  speed and will have craft ready for her
northern flight abt time wild geese leave sunny south.

BH  name  other coal  RR  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
…Will Cox and family moved to this place from Beaver Hill by last Fri.’s
train. Mr. Cox is now employed at the Klondike mine, Graham’s new
purchase this side of B.H. 

Graham  other coal locale   clipa 2a  CCH 17 Feb 1, 1898
Feb. 1. CB News.  R. A. Graham’s coal mine on the Isthmus, is being opened
as rapidly as possible.  Necessary bldgs for employees being erected, and the
outlook, generally, is very favorable.

Srh  Alaska  condit  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
Removal of Blanchard and Chilkat again leaves C.B. w/o any shipping
facilities to Portland.  Prob. when Klondike rush is over, will be some kind of
antequated craft put on the rte.

Srh  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898
The Ralph J. Long, a Coq. Stmr was into by stmr Point Arena at the seawall,
S.F., on 20th and her stern was considerably damaged.

Trust  RR  other coal  clipa 2a CCH 17 Feb 1, 1898
Multi-millionaire J. Pierpont Morgan has just completed a consolidation of
R.R. and coal interests which will freeze out over a 1000 small dealers,
dispense w/services of 10,000 laborers.  Magnate expects annual income of
$15,000,000 fm this deal.

Alaska Srh  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1;, 1898  [Article abt a trip up to Klondike
by boat.]  

Lhc   clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 1, 1898   [Publication of The Resources of 
Oregon, by St. Bd. Of Agric.]

School   supp-u  CCH  February  1, 1898   F S Bunch has 27 pupils at his
subscription school at Gravel Ford.

Srh  name  supp-u Feb 1, 1898  [Gravelford]     Geo Griffin and A Bright
launching new boat.

Church  vital stat  supp-u  CCh Feb 1, 1898
Coquille City, Jan. 30th.  By Rev. C. A. Stine, Oscar Wickham and Ora
Sheppard married.  Not q 

Tot  Name vital-stat  supp-u  CCH Feb 1, 1898  M/M Chas Nosler, a son born
Riverton, Feb 1.

Feb 8

novelty  Bandon woolen mill       wool [peo1-3  Feb 8, 1898 CCH gg.]
Bandon woolen mills receiving a large amt of wool from the outside and are
pressed for their products.

mill  name-Morras   public-spirit character  [peo1-3 Feb 8, 1898 CCH gg]
....Johnson is starting up old Morras Mill. This is good news, and the way Mr.
Johnson has pushed the work of  enlargement and improvement proclaims
him "the right man in the right place" and as understanding his business.      +

item  [peo1-3 Feb 8, 1898 CCH gg]  Ad for Jewett Typewriter.

 BH  [peo1-2 CCH gg  Feb 8, 1898 ] 
Coos Bay News.  It is rumored that the management of the Beaver Hill mine
intends sinking a shaft.  This will tap the immense basin of coal in that
section, and will insure a large output.  +  [cp]

Srh  [clip14 CCH 18  Feb 8, 1898.] 
Bandon Recorder.  The schooners Albion, Coquelle, Confianza all sailed
safely over bar last Wed abt 1 hr before low tide.  Feat tt could hardly be
performed at any other bar on coast.  [red check mark ]

BH shutdown   conditions   [clip 14 CCH 18 Feb. 8, 1898.]
Bandon Recorder.  The Beaver Hill coal mines closed down last Tuesday and
that indefinitely, and many of the leading citizens of Marshfield think that it
will never be started up again. It is reported that about $600,000 has been
expended in the enterprise.  +  [cpo]   

Srh  condit  clip 14 CCH 18 Feb 8, 1898
        [A man] took the last steamer Jennie to S.F. to find employment. 
Prosperity hasn’t struck us hard enough to make business to keep our skilled
mechanics at home.  [final sentence +]

BH shutdown   racism [clip 14 CCH 18  Feb 8, 1898.]
A large number of the discharged hands fm B.H. mines passed thru this place
over the trail to Roseburg this week.  These were mainly colored miners, and
included the leader of their band and other head men in their social and
society organization.    [cp]

school  item [clip14 CCH 18 Feb 8, 1898.  School desks w/beautiful birdseye
maple tops, backs, seats.

Srh Czarina&Empire  other coal  fruit  crops 
[clip14  CCH 18 Feb 8, 1898.]  CB News.  Czarina took cargo 1160 tons coal
her last trip, besides a large lot of apples potatoes and other freight.  /  Stmr
Empire which sailed Mon, was loaded her fullest capacity and was obliged to
refuse freight.  She was drawing 17 ft when they left dock in Empire.

Politic  Election  clipa 2a  CCH 17  Feb 8, 1898. Precinct candidates listed. 
Election upcoming.   Populist Party.

Mill  name  supp-u  CCH February 8, 1898
The necessary force is at hand and the Johnson mill, late Morras, will start up
tomorrow. [more].  Not q.   /

Tot  vital stat  supp-u CCH Feb 8,  1898   Arago, M/M E Heuckendorff,
daughter, born Feb. 2

BH  Lhc  CCHsupp-u   Feb 8, 1898. 
C.B. News.  It is reported that the management of the Beaver Hill mines
intends sinking a shaft.  This will tap the immense basin of coal in that
section, and will insure a large output.  +  [cp]

Feb 15

natl    misc   [peo1-3  Feb 15, 1898 CCH gg] 
A reprinted proclamation fm “by the kind a proclamation for suppressing
rebellion and sedition. 1775.

utility UR  name   [peo1-3 Feb 15, 1898.  CCH gg.]
Matt Nystrom has been erecting windmill 60 ft high Upper River.

Allied  racism  crime  Tot-name [Peo1-3 CCH gg Feb 15, 1898]
Riverton Riotings.  Mr. Bancke, one of our citizens, had quite a sensational
experience last week.  He was held up by two highwaymen while passing up
the bank of Beaver Slough last Friday about noon.  Two negroes at the points
of revolvers dispossessed him of $46 in money, a watch and gold Forester’s
badge-pin.  It occurred in broad day light and near to Beaver Hill.  +  [another
item says Bancke was Italian.].

Tot-Marshfield  Lhc  [peo1-3   CCH gg Feb 15, 1898.
Musings from Marshfield. This is the dullest town to the square inch.
Musings from Marshfield.  Marshfield, Feb. 12.
The following rumors are current on our streets: That the Czarina has made
her last trip to this port for the present; that the Beaver Hill coal mine has shut
down; that Mr. Graham has purchased the E.B. Dean & Co. mill property; that
Mr. Graham wrote to one of his principal men here to retain as many good
coal miners as possible, as he expected to have more men to work here than
ever before.  The report fails to state whether the men will be Italians, Chinese
or niggers.  From past experience we cannot expect them to be Americans. 
   Blackmail,  perjury, whitewash, are the principal topics on our streets. 
                                                                        More Sune.       +   [cpo]

Tot-name  condit  RR  [Peo1-3  CCH gg Feb 15, 1898.]  Fred Wall and
Charles Happersett, late employees on the railroad with homes in Marshfield,
left last week for pastures new and greener.  The company curtailing expenses
and discharging employes.  +    [cpo]

politic    name  [peo1-3  Feb 15, 1898.  CCHgg  ]  [Dan’l Giles was a

Srh  Czarina    Alaska health name   [clip14 CCH 18 Feb 15, 1898.] 
CB News.  We learn from Capt. Seaman that the Czarina will make 1 or 2
more trips to the bay and then go to Alaska rte for 3 mo charter, after which
will again return to bay. Scnhr Amethyst which sailed fm the city for this port
on Tue of last week, put back to the city on Wed, and reported drowning of a

Paper disaster politic clip14 ]  CCH 18. Feb 15?, 1898.
Coast Mail office escaped pretty well fm the late fire at Marshfield.  Press,
typebooks, and the red coat of the Irishman who heels for it having been
rescued – thus, all tt was of any value was saved.

Srh other coal-Timon  Tot-Riverton misc-saying
[clip14 CCH 18, Feb 15, 1898.]   Stmr Jennie took her accustomed load of
coal fm Timon’s mine at Riverton last week.  It’s a cold day when Timon gets
left as to contributing his pro rata of coal for S.F. market independent of all

Name  Tot  disaster [clip14  CCH 18, Feb 15, 1898.]
Coke Bro’s Attnys lost their library and papers during fire at Marshfield. 
Apparently rather extensive fire.  [J.S.Coke, Jr.]

other coal Libby  [clip14  CCH 18 Feb 15, 1898.] 
Marshfield Sun. Larger size screens will be put in at Libby to screen the nut
coal.  This will result in a better article for fuel.  +

UR  crime  name  4th-July? Health misc word    supp-u, ua  CCH Feb 15,
Upper River.  [article abt] overhearing gentlemen discussing criminal record
of this place, several grave felonies committed but no criminals apprehended. 
Mr. McCloskey shot down in cold blood in presence of 500 people the 4th of
July a dozen or more years ago, murderer escaped.  Mail held up and robbed 3
mi S. of town 4 yrs ago and though authorities did all they could officials at
Washington refused to pay any costs and no one punished.  Jas. Killburn was
robbed abt tt time similarly to the way Levi Gant [just] robbed.  Wells Fargo
has been robbed 2 x in MP but no arrests made.  The gentlemen asserted there
were men in town who said they knew who robbed the mail and express
office.  If men know, why don't they let it be known?   Not q

UR  crime name  health  misc-word  supp-v  CCH Feb 15, 1898
Upper River. Those who have lived neighbors to Levi Gant for the last
twenty-five years are indeed glad that the highwaymen who tortured and
robbed him last week did not deprive him of his life; the money they got is
nothing compared to the life of such a noble old man.  Mr. Gant has helped a
great many who were in need while this valley has been settling up, and none
but villains of the worst type would molest him in his declining years.  We are
glad that the authorities have a clue that they hope will lead to the detection
and punishment of the guilty parties.  +

farm name   supp-v  CCH Feb 15, 1898   Some renters living on Alex
Urquhart place,  ranch.

Feb 22

Tot-Dora  Srh Rtx 7 CCH hh  Feb 22, 1898   Dora Doings. 
Dora Feb. 19,  We hear the North Fork steamer is stranded on the drydock.  +

Srh  Rtx 7 CCH hh Feb 22, 1898  Arcata and Empire almost disaster.  
Musings from Marshfield.  [red check mark?]

Mill  Rtx 7 CCH hh Feb 22, 1898  Musings fm Marshfield.  E. B. Dean &
Co's mill started up Thursday on three-fourths time for balance of the week.  +

Mill  Rtx 7 CCH hh Feb 22, 1898  Johnson mill made the best run of its
existence Saturday, putting out 29,400 feet of lumber.  +

County  politic  SO Co  condit-outlook
[Rtx7]  CCH hh Feb 22, 1898.  [M.  a county financial statement becomes
plug for populists.  ]
     A noteworthy manner also is the systematic manner in which everything is
done. ...
     The way the Populist county court has been going ahead with the business
of the county shows prudence, economy and justice.
     The men composing the court are all laboring men, to whom experience
and insight that efficient work cannot be done without system and experience
has taught that efficient work cannot be done without system and proper tools. 
They wisely provided the sheriff with the means to securely hold his
prisoners.  They have purchased a Pauly steel jail cage at a cost of about
$2500.  They have furnished the officers good typewriters, a mimeograph,
necessary maps, etc.  These things have cost money, but all has been included
to do better and more efficient work, and have been a saving rather than an
     The firm manner in which the county court stood off the bluff of the S.O.
Co., the R.R. Co. and others in the tax litigation and fight these matters to a
finish is not only commendable but should be sustained by the people.  These
taxes have been or are soon to be paid to the county since the statement made
by the officers Sept. 30, 1897, except about $3000, the litigation for which is
not yet ended.
     The Populists of Coos county have proven to the world that they are
capable of conducting the business…The officers have done their duty
conscientiously for the sake of principle.    +  [  last 2 paragraphs cp]

food  Tot-Coq prices Rtx 7 CCH hh Feb 22, 1898 
Corn-fed bacon 10 c lb; hams 12 1/2 cm  lard 90 c 10 lb can.  Robinson's

Courthouse  novelty-brick  Rtx 7 CCH hh  Feb 22, 1898 
Rsbg Review says: Micelli Bro's have signed the contract to furnish 400,000
brick for the new Coos County courthouse.

utility name  UR  [peo1-3 Feb 22, 1898 CCH gg]  
Upper River. Mat Nystrum’s windmill about completed. Imposing structure
no doubt be useful.

war   (clip) (14) CCH 18 Feb 22, 1898. …Battleship Maine blown up. 
[Lengthy article.]   

Tot-Coq  law  clip 14 CCH 18 Feb 22, 1898    
Whether it’s necessary to have a license to do business in town.

Racism  BH crime  name [clip14 CCH 18 Feb 22, 1898.]
The Negro Henry Sublett, charged w/robbing saloon B.H. and brought back
fm Rsbg by Marshall Carter of Marshfield last wk, had hearing before Justice
Hyde.   [ M2004 doesn't say cp]

Tot-Bandon disaster  supp-v CCH Feb 22, 1898
Mrs. Jenny Majory returned to Bandon fm Washington last wk and expected
to reopen the Ocean House at tt place, but the building burnt down last
Saturday night.  [also another item on the fire.]

Vital stat  locale  supp-v  CCH Feb 22, 1898   M/M F W Barker, Feb 8, a
daughter, Fairview.  

Health  locale  supp-v  CCH Feb 22, 1898     Mrs. Belle Endicott, wife R C
Endicott, died typhoid fever at Myrtle creek Feb 13.  /  Mrs. Lushbaugh died,
of Big Creek.

Invention Tot-Bandon   supp-v  CCH Feb 22, 1898
A patent has been granted to Gurley Boak and E. A. Erickson, of Bandon, for
an oarlock. +

Feb or March?

racism??  BH Sublett?
(a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   [(date? last of Feb or Mar 1, 1898.
[first not here] Committed to jail in absence of bond; now in jail to await
action.  [Henry Sublett??] 

county  a -p 11-14)   CCH  19   [(date? last of Feb or Mar 1, 1898      Coos
Co’s financial statement.

Novelty-brick?  Courthouse  (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   [(date? last of Feb or Mar
1, 1898.
The Roseburg Review, of 10th inst. says Micelli Bro’s have secured the
contract to furnish 400,000 brick for the new Coos courthouse at Coquille
City, the contractor being H. Snook, of Salem.  They will go to Coquille
within as few days to make arrangements to begin work there, and will take
with them several of their old hands from this place.   +   (fm Feb 22 paper) 


Mar 1
.war  Srh  battleship Maine    (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898 
Dipatch abt Maine [battleship] and prob. cause of damage.

Novelty-brick  courthouse
  (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898 
Mr. Marcelli [sic], of Marcelli Bro’s, brickmakers of Roseburg, arrived in this
place last Friday.  He represents firm as one of the contractors to burn 400,000
bricks for our new courthouse, and came to prospect for a beginning of work. 

Chandler  Graham  misc-word-vice, Klondike mad  BH
  (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
W.S. Chandler, manager at Beaver Hill, vice R.A. Graham, out, was in town
yesterday and went to the lower river on a prospecting mission.  [M. 2004. 
Later items show Graham isn’t in it any more. Other sources eventually
showed use of this word  to mean, replacement for or successor.  [source of
this?    ]  Work at Beaver Hill has quite suspended, but may resume if business
affairs adjust themselves after the Klondike mad has had its run.  +   [cp]

Farm?  Srh    (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
C.B. News.  Prominent farmers on bay discussing building an ocean stmr to
run bay and S.F.  Had trouble getting their products shipped. Those who have
talked matter over say as business proposition stmr would be paying
investment.  [cp[

 Paper   (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
Coast Mail press damaged by late fire so badly as to be useless.  [Red coat of
“irish tory”  has something to do with guy who set fire, or at least says: red
coat too was saved, but the Irish tory who wore it wasn’t dragged out, so far as
we can learn.  He was detested by all and left to his fate.  [but later I saw an
article to indicate he was thought alive?]

.  Srh   other-coal  crop fruit   (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
CB News The Stmr Jennie in the Coquille to San Francisco trade has begun
refusing trade on the Coquille, giving as a reason that she was ordered to load
with coal.  It wills be a great loss if the farmers’ apples and potatoes are
allowed to rot for want of transportation.   +   [cp]

Klondike-coal  Graham  McLain    (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
C.B. News: The slope in R.A. Graham’s coal mine, was down 450 feet and
work is being pushed with all possible speed in extending it.  Hugh McLain,
superintendent, intends to start two gangways about March 10th. He is at
present hiring all the men that he can work to advantage, and will have room
for more in the near future.  The coal is a superior article, and the roof is all
that could be desired.  +  [cp]

  RR-depot fire   condit  (a-p 11-14)   CCH  19   Mar 1, 1898
Supt. Fred McLain noticed smoke coming from warehouse at the R.R. depot
Monday night, and on investigation found a bale of hay on fire. He promptly
removed the hay and extinguished the fire.  Considerable powder stored
warehouse at the time, ready for shipment to the mine the following morning. 
Up to the present, the origin of this fire remains a mystery. +   [cp]

War [a-p 11-14] CCH 19 March 8, 1898 [.  Genr’l Lee says Maine
deliberately blown up.  Predicts war.

Other-RR  [a-p 11-14] CCH 19 March 8, 1898    Chicago, Mar 1.  Canadian
Pacific contemplating another sensational cut in North Pacific Coast rates. 

Klondike-coal  [a-p 11-14] CCH 19 March 8, 1898
Coast Mail: Work on Klondike coal mine actively pushed.  30 men steadily
employed there.   [cp]  

Other-coal  Srh  [a-p 11-14] CCH 19 March 8, 1898   It is said Newport coal
bunker will be raised so vessels of Empire’s class can load at high tide as well
as low.  CB News.  [cp] 

Paper-feuds  politic  Rtx 7 CCH hh March 1, 1898
A long article of accusation by MP Enterprise saying there wasn't enough
notice given abt  county contracts and the like [printing] and it was duty of
officers, and of official paper [the Herald] to make this known.  Defense by
Judge Schroeder saying the editor didn't investigate fully and after publishing
so grave a charge it was his duty to look at the matter thoroughly as he
promised to do, and give his readers the benefit, and not force us into the
unpleasant task of vindicating ourselves, especially through the medium of
another paper.  Yours truly, J. Henry Schroeder.

Mill  Rtx 7 CCH hh Mar 1, 1898  Marshfield Musings.  E. B. Dean & Co's
mill shut down indefinitely.

Tot  mill  clipa 2b  CCHii  Mar 1, 1898  
 Johnson’s mill…is taking strides forward as one of the best mills in the
county…  +  

Law Tot-Coq?  clipa 2b  CCHii  Mar 1, 1898
Repeal of new ordinance on licensing businesses.  Opposition by citizens
owing to unequal assessments.

School  BH  clipa 2b  CCHii  Mar 1, 1898
Mrs. Clara Mansfield has closed her school at Beaver Hill last week, and
returned to Bandon yesterday through this place.  +

Pershbaker Tot-Prosper  Srh  Alaska-mining  clipa 2b CCHii  Mar 1, 1898
Uncle Adam Pershbaker of Prosper…says the Klondike schooner is rapidly
nearing completion, and will be a fine boat.  He freely expresses the opinion
that in the course of a couple of months there will be plenty of steamers and
schooners hunting jobs on this coast, that the Klondike rush will collapse to a
great extent and business again brighten up.   +

Paper   patronage-politic  clipa 2b  CCHii  Mar 1, 1898 McEwen
recommended for office of state printer.   

Tot-Coq  clipa 2b  CCHii  Mar 1, 1898   8 lb roast coffee $1.   [M. I didn't
note name of store.]

Name  other-coal  BH-indir  CCH supp-v   March 1, 1898.
Will Cox and John Peart left for California yesterday.  They go to Corral
Hollow, a coal mining section.  +   [cp]

March 8.

Crime  Gage CBR  fire  clipa  2b  CCHii  Mar 8, 1898
Sheriff Gage started to San Francisco last week with requisition papers for
Frank M. Simpson, held in San Francisco on the charge of embezzlement,
arson, and falsifying accounts of the C.B.R.R. Co. at Marshfield under the
Graham regime, but returned from the bay Saturday because of errors in the
requisition papers and await their return from Gov. Lord of Salem.  However,
the sheriff left yesterday and we suppose will return in due time with the
     We copy the following telegram from San Francisco from the Associated
Press dispatches relating to the case as understood in that city:
Frank M. Simpson arrested in San Francisco.  San Francisco, March 3.
Detectives tonight arrested Frank M. Simpson, who is wanted at Marshfield,
Or., on charges of embezzlement, arson, and falsifying accounts.  At first he
denied his identity, saying that his name was Frank Smith, but later admitted
that he was the man wanted.  He says he was in the employ of the Coos Bay,
Roseburg & Eastern Railroad for three years as agent at Marshfield.  He
claims to be innocent of the charges against him, and says he was only waiting
here for money from his folks, who reside in San Diego, to enable to return to
Oregon.     +

Srh  Tot-Marshfield  fish  fruit  2b CCH ii  Mar 8, 1898
Arcata is licensed to carry 45 pasengers.  Obliged to refuse several owing to
lack of accommodations.  She took from Marshfield warehouse 500 boxes of
apples and 8 barrels of salmon.      Coast Mail.    +

Mill  logs  Graham   clipa 2b CCH ii  Mar 8, 1898
Marshfield Sun.  It is reported that E.B. Dean & Co. and the North Bend Mill
company have purchased all of R. A. Graham’s logs, about 7,000,000 feet.

Allied   name other coal  CCH supp Mar 8, 1898. 
Oscar Wickham and wife came up from Beaver Hill last week and visited a
few days.  Mr. W. is an employee of the new mine – the Klondike.  +   [cp]

Novelty-wood?  Tot-Coq  supp-v  CCH Mar 8, 1898  
Jacobson, our furniture dealer, began placing the glass front in his new store
room.  Not f q.


June 28

CCH pg 20             (2c)        June 28, 1898

Lbr  raft  Srh  CCH 20  clipa 2c  June 28, 1898 
Big raft w/ 5,000,000 ft of lumber to be towed to S.F. (later article said fm

Trust  lbr raft  CCH 20 clipa  2c  June 28, 1898
Lumber combine had raised price of lumber, then it dropped because of
harbor commissioner's needing greater quant. of lumber and advertising for
bids.  Then trade    fell off.  Big raft will bring $60,000 at present price,
which is abt $15,000 more than worth here.  Signed by Evening Telegram.

Trusts  condit-attitude  saying  CCH 20  clipa 2c  June 28, 1898
from the Denver New Road [paper].  Bonds, bonds, bonds galore.  Let us
issue them until the cows come home and blow in every cent we can raise on
them building gunboats.  Let us issue ten hundred million dollars in bonds at
any price, and more if the bond hogs want them.  Keep on issuing them until
the Morgan-Belmont-Hanna-Cleveland-Rothchild gang of plunderers yell
stop.  Then let us take our gunboats and shoot the everlasting treachery and
greed out of the gang and invite the world to collect the bonds -- if they can.   

war   CCH20  clipa 2c  June 28, 1898
Special War Bulletin on American fleet off Santiago.  Latest war news
w/datelines fm sev. places.

Other-coal  names  locale  CCH 20 clipa 2c  June 28, 1898
Wm Campbell, Supt Libby mine, investigating the Holmes Coal mine on
Sixes R.

disaster  novelty-wood   CCH 20  clipa 2c  June 28, 1898
Broomhandle factory whistle gave fire alarm Fri eve and many citizens
responded.  A spark had lit in mfg room, igniting dust and shavings, finally
reaching dust-covered cobwebs and other flammable material, when ignited
like a flash. Water, plentiful helpers in great number, not long till threatened
danger suppressed. Some say brief time more would have ignited dry room,
and work of destruction would have been assured.

CCH pg 20, insert       2[d]
June 28,1898

Graham suit  BH  Spreckels  CCH 20insert  clipa 2d  June 28, 1898
head correct but I’m guessing at capitals. ]
     1898.   The bills and crossbills being filed in the federal court by R.A.
Graham and against R.A. Graham by the J.D. Spreckels and Bro's Co. is
creating much interest, for the facts occasioning the litigation have been
known to a very limited extent by the public, and reach up into the large sum. 
We copy these several items from late San Francisco and Portland papers as
giving the latest phase of the matter: 
     S. F. Post.  The Beaver Hill Coal Company has filed suit against R. A.
Graham, late manager of that corporation, for $200,000. In the complaint
Graham is charged with false practices and embezzlement of that sum while
acting as the agent of the plaintiff. The Post further states, in substance, that
Graham severed his connection with the company on Dec 15, 1897, but
declined to deliver the books until some two months later.  Their contents did
not satisfy the company, and an expert was employed to go over the accounts. 
The result of the examination was such that the plaintiffs now accuse Graham
of falsifying his accounts to cover up repeated embezzlements.  Many
transactions involving large sums, which should have been recorded, did not
appear at all, and in numerous instances, it is alleged, false entries were
discovered.  In order to conceal these defalcations [print], Graham credited
himself with $30,000 for logs sold to him by plaintiff.  This transaction is
emphatically denied.  The plaintiff company asks the court for $200,000, and
that he be adjudged guilty of embezzlement and punished therefore.

     Suit has been instituted by the John D. Spreckels and Brothers Company
against R.A. Graham for $523,162.62 on account of promissory notes
aggregating that amount, dated November 1, 1897, and payable one year after
that date.
     This demand for more than a half-million is in addition to the action
recently begun by Spreckles [print] Co against Mr. Graham on account of
transactions of coal at the Beaver Hill coal mines, making a total of
     The interest on the note signed by Mr. Graham is stated to be $523.62 a
month, payment of which is acknowledged to have been made up to the first
of last May.
     Securities for the debt held by Spreckelses comprise several thousand
shares of capital stock of the Coos Bay, Roseburg, & Eastern Railroad and
Navigation Company, together with mortgages on certain town lots in the
Railroad addition to the town of Marshfield, Oregon.  -- Examiner, June 19.


     In the case of R.A. Graham vs. the Beaver Hill Coal Company of Coos
county, A. B. Spreckels, John D. Spreckels and others, Judge Bellinger this
morning appointed Friday, July 15, at 10 a.m. , the time to show cause why J.
B. Hassett should not be removed as receiver of the coal company.  A number
of affidavits have been filed in support of the motion asking for the receiver's
removal, and it looks as if the plaintiff in the case is about the only man who
wants to retain him.  Mismanagement and incompetency are alleged, and it is
claimed the receiver is acting solely in the interests of the plaintiff.  --Portland
Evening Telegram, June 24.    [m. note: Is "plaintiff" correct?]

CCHjj  June 28, 1898    (2e)

Other-coal  Srh  CCH jj  clipa 2e   June 28, 1898 
Riverton Reverberations.   Riverton June 27.  J.H. Timon's mine has closed
down for a few days awaiting the arrival of a vessel.

Novelty-brick  courthouse-indir  CCHjj  clipa 2e  June 28, 1898.
Mrs. Micelli of Roseburg joined her husband, Frank Micelli, of the Micelli
Bro's, brickmakers, last week and will spend the summer with us.   +  /   
Micelli Bro's are about ready to fire up a kiln of brick.

Tot  4th July  CCH jj  clipa  2e  June 28, 1898  Gravel Ford people will have a
grand celebration on the 4th. 

County court  4th July  misc-word  CCH jj clipa 2e  June 28, 1898
County court will meet in July term next Monday; however there will be a
holding over of work till the day following, owing to the intervention of the
Glorious 4th.    +

Graham  suit  BH  CCH jj  clipa 2e  June 28, 1898
Marshfield Sun.  C.M. Idleman. attorney general of the state of Oregon,
arrived in Marshfield  yesterday.  Mr. Idleman is one of R.A. Graham's
attorneys in the Beaver Hill litigation.   +

Fruit  name paper?  Saying  CCHjj  clipa 2e  June 28, 1898
We thank Miss Leta Barrows for a basket of well-kept and choice apples...
They are yet in good condition and the trees which bore them well on toward
shedding another crop of the luscious fruit [sic].

Graham  suit name  misc-word fish plates  CCH jj  clipa 2e  June 28, 1898.
 Coos County cases in supreme court.
Supreme court rendered opinions as follows:
     The Coos Bay.Roseburg & Eastern Railway & Navigation Company,
appellant, vs. Z.T. Siglin, respondent...
Action to recover possession of 624 steel T. rails with fish plates to match,
and a lot of bridge bolts and washers.  The defendent was sheriff and justifies
his possession by reason of having seized the same as the property of one R.A.
Graham, by virtue of an execution duly issued upon a judgment in favor of
one Miller and against Graham.  The plaintiff claimed to have purchased the
property through Graham, as its manager.  The jury found, by their verdict,
that Graham was, at the time of the levy, the owner of the property and that
defendant acquired a special interest therein, by virtue of such levy, and found
the value of the entire property to be $10,000.  It was contended that "where
the defendant has but a limited interest, which is less than the value of the
property, judgment in his favor should not be for the full amount, unless he is
liable to general owner, but should be only for the amount of his "special
interest." It is held, that, in this case, the defendant is a bailee and that as such
he is accountable to Graham for the full value of property; consequently, he
should have judgment for the return of the property or its value.   +

Sidewalk  Kanematz  Tot-Coq   clipa2e  CCH jj  [was 21]   June 28, 1898
Prof Kanematz has laid new sidewalk in front of his business house, the Gray

Graham  suit  attitude-condit  saying misc word coaling station  clipa 2e CCH
jj [was 21] June 28, 1898
Attorney General Idleman of Salem, arrived last week to look up matters in
the Graham-Spreckels suit in the interest of Graham.  Wait, general, till you
hear from the other fellows, who are after your client’s scalp.
     The British flag will surely come down at Beaver Hill, and that
municipality and its commercial transactions will come under the touch of
American civilization and prosperity.  No foreign country shall ever claim a
coaling station in Coos Co, Oregon, U.S.A.  +

Srh  CCH 21  Clipa 2e  CCH jj [was 21]  June 28, 1898   Fulton.  Also
schooner Garfield.  Fm C.B. News.

Srh  locale  Alaska-mining dairy   clipa 2e  CCH jj [was 21]   June 28, 1898
The Blanco, with Capt Lighter in pilot house, made a trip to King’s Landing
on the Isthmus, and brought down butter from Coq. Creamery to be shipped
below.  Sternwheeler river steamer Rideout passed up the coast in tow of a
steam schooner bound for Yukon.

Graham suit  court CCH 21  clipa2e CCH jj [was 21]  June 28, 1898 
Coos County cases Supreme Court.  [Has something to do with R.A. Graham. 
Difficult to decipher. ] Defendant is a bailee, and as such, accountable to
Graham for full value of property.  Consequently he should have judgment for
the return of the property or its value.


fire  Tot-Coq  CCHX+  X+6   June 28, 1898.  
Threatened blaze at C. M. Skeels home (D F Strang home) discovered in time
to prevent damage  nfq     
name school outside-Tot  CCHX+   X+6  June 28, 1898   Pearl Fetter returned
fm Drain Normal School.   

Name other-county politic  character  CCHX+  X+6   June 28, 1898
 Sam McAdams elected a commissioner of Curry on Union ticket.  [more in
article, abt character.]

Name-Futrell CCHX+   X+6     June 28, 1898    Mrs. Futrell;  Rev Futrell  b

Novelty-brick name courthouse-indir  CCHX+  X+6   June 28, 1898   Micelli
Brick b  [M 2006. Is this dupl item?]

School  CCHX+  X+6  June 28, 1898     graduating class of public school

School Isthmus  names  CCHX+   X+6    June 28, 1898
Miss Mary Quick came up last Friday evening from Beaver slough, and spent
Saturday and Sunday at home.  Miss Mary has one month of school to teach
yet of the 3 month's term.  Miss Shelton came up with her on a visit.       +
Courthouse name outside-Tot  CCHX+  X+6   June 28, 1898   
 Snook on short vacation at his home in Salem  nfq  

School Tot-MP name CCHX+ X+6    June 28, 1898      Prof Traver school

Name  CCHX+  X+6   June 28, 1898     Geo Canning 

Animal locale name  Misc-word-whopper  CCHX+  X+6    June 28, 1898
Neva Harry killed a big panther near Sitkum last Saturday evening.  He was a
whopper (that is, the panther) and very fat.  +  [M. as typed.  I believe the
parens are probably part of the article.]

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